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 The firsT Greek phoToGrapher to produce the cover for   of printed advertising material, billboards, guide, brochures
 the illustrious National Geographic edition for ‘Food Journeys   for tourist attractions… Images of destinations, landscapes,
 of a Lifetime: 500 Extraordinary Places to Eat Around the Globe’,   hotels, people relaxing and having fun. Before choosing a
 Tryfon N. Georgopoulos had worked with a plethora of Greek   destination, the public wants to see people having a good time,
 and international lifestyle tourism magazines.With years of   beaches or attractions that they will dream of visiting. Many
 marketing management experience, he had a clear insight   types of photography can present tourist destinations from
 into what communication and advertising “works” and was   many different angles. Apart from architectural photography
 considered a specialist in Hotel and Architectural photography   that depicts hotels and various other accommodations, food
 as well as in Portrait & Food photography - encompassing a   photography, lifestyle, even fashion photography also play an
 portfolio of 32 Michelin starred chefs in Greece and Europe.   important role.
 A few days ago, Tryfon, a dear friend of the Andronis   How do your photos highlight Greece’s unique beauty?
 family, passed away. We were fortunate to speak to him for   As a travel photographer, I travel over 9 months a year and have
 the previous issue of the Andronis magazine and to share   the good fortune to return to some of my favorite destinations
 now his final words with our readers. Indulging in his last   over and over again. The challenge, then, is to look at these same
 interview, we take solace in the knowledge that in his life,   places with a different eye and share that feeling in my photo.
 he certainly did what he loved and loved what he did – and   Turning to Santorini, are there any other destinations in
 gained respect for it.   the world with such a unique landscape?
 What do you ultimately believe the role of the Greek   Certainly there are destinations that compete with the beauty
 photographer is in tourism and the hospitality industry?  of the landscape of Santorini, but, photographically speaking,
 It’s huge. Photos dominate any holiday brochure, any type   Santorini dominates due to its special color. The alternation
 of tones is incredible as is its wonderful light.
 As a professional who has photographed this island so
 many times, where would you suggest visitors go to see
 FOOD  the magic of this island for themselves?
 JOURNEYS  Well, there’s Oia for sure as well as the unique and traditional
 OF A  village of Emporeio which just transports you to another era. •
 Extraordinary Places to Eat
 Around the Globe

 The cover of the fully revised and updated second
 edition of National Geographic ‘Food Journeys of a
 Lifetime: 500 Extraordinary Places to Eat Around the
 Globe’ by travel photographer Tryfon N. Georgopoulos.

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