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                                                                                                                                                                                                        Inspired by his own love affair with Santorini, Miltiadis Andronis has spent more than 15 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                              building a boutique hospitality brand that reimagines the holiday experience.

                                             SUMMER DREAMS

                                                  (Are Made of This)

                                            WHEN HE LAUNCHED  his first property—a   Andronis continues to reach higher.
                                            13-suite boutique hotel that would grow   So what do you do when you’ve built a
                                            into today’s award-winning Andronis   business on imagination and forthright
                                            Luxury Suites—Miltiadis Andronis     love of destination? You keep dreaming!
                                            was determined to share his love of   And then you turn your efforts to bringing
                                            Santorini with the world. Enamoured   that dream to life.
                                            of the island’s magnificent landscape   In 2024, Andronis is debuting its first
                                            from the minute he first laid eyes on it,   property on the sun-soaked island of
                                            Andronis knew that to succeed in this   Paros: Andronis Minois, a suites-only
                                            endeavour he would need to not merely   hotel that is an ode to the essence of
                                            offer exceptional accommodation but   Mediterranean summers. More new
                                            to also create genuine opportunities for   properties are underway, including hotels
                                            each guest to truly experience Santorini’s   on the sublime island of Milos, also in the
                                            beauty, soul and singular allure.    Cyclades archipelago, and in the idyllic
                                            And so, Miltiadis Andronis imagined   hills of Tuscany, on Italy’s northwest
                                            a perfect stay. A perfect balance of   coast, and a breathtaking beach bar on
                                            sense of place and cosmopolitan living.   Santorini’s famed Katharos beach.
                                            An experience of heartfelt hospitality   As the Andronis portfolio grows, each
                                            supported by unparalleled personalised   property is thoughtfully developed to
                                            service and attention to detail. A world   offer a different adventure and a distinct
                                            of marvellously authentic moments and   experience and all are driven by an
                                            simple pleasures enjoyed to the fullest.   unwavering commitment to Miltiadis
                                            And then he set out to create just that.  Andronis’ original dream and vision: to
                                            From that first hotel, perched on the   build on a love of destination, celebrate the
                                            edge of the caldera’s iconic red cliffs, the   unique beauty and spirit of each location,
                                            Andronis brand has grown and evolved   and create opportunities for each guest
                                            into a paragon of luxury hospitality in   to truly experience their destination and
                                            Santorini and beyond, with a portfolio   make lasting memories that will resonate
                                            that includes five luxury properties on the   through time.
                                            island—four in Oia and one in Imerovigli.
                                            Today, more than 15 years since the first   Discover the #AndronisExperience —
                                            Andronis hotel opened its doors to share   boutique hospitality that’s about so much
                                            the magic of Santorini with its guests,   more than just a place to stay. •

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