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                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SOPHISTICATED CREATIVE HOUSE

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                                                       Horizon Bound

                                            NESTLED WITHIN  the embrace of the azure   sea and sky with its fiery glow—a sight
                                            Aegean Sea lies Santorini—a destination   that never fails to inspire awe.
                                            that transcends mere description. Its iconic   And now, as we embark on a new chapter
                                            ring-shaped archipelago, crowned by an   in Andronis’ story, we are thrilled to unveil
                                            active volcano, beckons travelers from   not only a fresh aesthetic of the redesigned
                                            across the globe to experience its ethereal   edition of Andronis magazine but also the
                                            beauty firsthand. Picture-perfect vistas   latest addition to its hospitality landscape:
                                            and quaint villages cling to the island’s   the inaugural Andronis Minois in Paros.
                                            rugged cliffs, creating a scene that seems   With its signature blend of elegance and
                                            almost too idyllic to be real. Yet, it is   sophistication, this happy place invites
                                            precisely this authenticity that defines   guests to indulge in their own journey of                                     ARIS ZIOTOPOULOS
                                            Santorini, infusing every moment with   discovery, where every moment is infused
                                            a sense of wonder and serenity.      with the spirit of the islands.
                                            As the sun casts its golden rays upon the   As you turn the pages of this magazine,
                                            caldera each morning, there’s a palpable   allow yourself to be transported to a
                                            sense of magic in the air—a feeling that   world where time stands still, and every
                                            lingers throughout the day as visitors   moment is infused with wonder. From
                                            immerse themselves in the island’s rich   the sun-drenched cliffs of Santorini to
                                            tapestry of experiences.             the idyllic shores of Paros, let our words                                             Bespoke magazines
                                            But it’s at dusk, when the sky is set   and images be your guide on a journey                                               Luxury travel marketing
                                            ablaze with hues of orange and pink,   of discovery and delight. After all, in                                              Digital marketing                                                                                   CONTACT US
                                            that Santorini truly comes alive. There’s   Cyclades, every day is an invitation to                                         Social media                                                                                        341, Kifissias Avenue, 14561
                                            something enchanting about watching the   fall in love all over again.                                                                                                                                                          Kifissia,  Athens - Greece
                                            sun dip below the horizon, painting the   Elsa Soimiri — Editor in Chief                                                    Content production                                                                                  T + 30 210 6100211-212
                                                                                                                                                                        Communication & PR                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                        Web design                                                                                          ATHENS - LONDON

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