P. 79

ESCAPE_ Santorini

 and Vlychada), a visit to the Kameni islands is one of   GO BEACH HOPPING
 the best and most authentic experiences to be had in   ALONG THE SOUTH COAST
 Santorini: humbling, awe-inspiring, and fun. Explore   There’s no shortage of stunning beaches and remarkably
 Nea Kameni, hike up to the five craters, enjoy a dip at   clear waters on Santorini, but nothing quite beats the
 one of the tiny, otherworldly beaches, go scuba diving   spectacular diversity that’s packed into just a couple of
 to explore underwater lava formations, and then wrap   kilometres of shoreline on Akrotiri’s south coast: the
 up the experience with a relaxing soak at the islands’   Red Beach (Kókkini Paralía) with its red-hued sand and
 natural volcanic hot springs. The best tip? Make sure   crimson cliffs, the secluded White Beach (Lefkí Ámmos)
 to choose appropriate footwear for the hike (you don’t   that’s backed by a wall of bright white limestone, and
 want sandals for this one!) and pack a hat, sunblock,   the Black Beach (Mésa Pigádia) with its black volcanic
 snacks, and plenty of water. The islands, which are   sand and lava pebbles. With great swimming spots, iconic
 also included in the Natura 2000 European network   scenery, and fantastic peeks into the island’s unique
 of protected areas, are barren and wild, and you’ll find   volcanic background, this stretch of the south coast is a
 no shade or amenities in their magnificent landscape.  fast favourite and a go-to recommendation, and while you
 can get there by road, getting there by sea is guaranteed
 DISCOVER ANCIENT SANTORINI  to up the wow factor. A visit to Akrotiri Lighthouse,
 Growing up in a place of considerable historical   perched on the westernmost point of the peninsula is
 significance doesn’t really mean that much when you’re   a great way to wrap up your day with panoramic sunset
 a kid and the most important things in your life are   views that easily rival those from Oia.
 trips to the beach, playing outside, and being allowed
 an extra scoop of ice cream on a hot summer afternoon.   EXPLORE A WEALTH OF TRADITIONS
 But then you grow up, and there comes a moment when   AND HERITAGE
 you feel like you’re seeing your surrounding for the very   With a history that spans over four millennia and more
 first time. The significance of all these things you took   than half a dozen empires and civilisations Santorini
 for granted suddenly hits you and you kind of need to   is a treasure trove of historic heirlooms and unique
 stop and catch your breath. And that’s the secret to   traditions that live on in the sites and customs of its
 the most common sightseeing recommendation on the   many villages. Fira, the island’s capital, is a great starting
 island: Visiting Ancient Akrotiri and Ancient Thera   point with plenty of attractions and museums, but if
 isn’t about checking the big names off a list; it is about   you really want to experience Santorini, you have to
 tapping into that sense of awe, of seeing something   get out and explore its charming traditional settlements
 magnificent for the very first time.   and historic landmarks.
 Ancient Akrotiri (which according to many is the   You can stop by the tranquil, traditional village of
 inspiration behind the mythical lost city of Atlantis)   Finikia near Oia, head to Imerovigli to hike to Skaros
 is home to a prehistoric Minoan city that was buried   Rock and the hidden Church of Panagia Theoskepasti,
 under ash during a violent volcanic eruption around   stroll through the intriguing village of Episkopi Gonias
 1600 BCE. Excavations in the second half of the 20th   and see the historic Byzantine Church of Panagia
 century revealed a remarkably well preserved ancient   Episkopi in Mesa Gonia, visit Kasteli castle in Pyrgos,
 town, with whole streets, houses, stunning frescoes,   see the Chapel of Panagia Katefiani and the blue-
 furniture, and other precious antiquities that offer a rare   domed Church of the Holy Cross in Perissa, wander   Santorini’s unique
 landscape and
 glimpse back through time to how our ancient ancestors   through the enchanting Medieval town and walk up   culture draws
 once lived. Meanwhile, on the other side of the island,   to the windmills in Emporio, and visit the Venetian   creatives, like
 the hilltop ruins of Ancient Thera bear witness to the   castle of Akrotiri. Emporio is Santorini’s largest village   award-winning
 potter Andreas
 island’s legacy through the centuries: Founded in the   nestled in the foothills of Mount Prophet Elias. Once a   Makaris. Its volcanic
 9th century BCE, the settlement was in turn under   bustling hub of commerce, Emporio’s medieval charm   soil, mastered
 Greek, Ptolemaic, Roman, and Byzantine control before   emanates from its well-preserved architecture, evoking   over generations,
 another volcanic eruption led to its abandonment in   images of a fortress town where buildings stand cheek   also grows superb
 the 8th century CE. As you journey into Santorini’s   to cheek, a testament to its past defenses against   produce, as the
 Tomato Industrial
 ancient history and view some gorgeous antiquities,   marauding pirates. At its heart lies Kasteli, a unique   Museum and high-
 don’t forget to visit the Museum of Prehistoric Thera   castle town with narrow alleys, lovingly preserved by   quality wineries
 and the Archaeological Museum of Santorini in Fira.  locals as a living heritage.  can attest.

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