P. 93

ESCAPE_ Santorini



 Ancient artistry meets modern innovation in the 1st

 Biennale of Contemporary Keramics 2024 in Santorini,

 a five-month event celebrating Greek pottery.

 THE INAUGURAL BIENNALE of Contemporary   and frescoes from the prehistoric settlement
 Keramics (BCK) 2024 is set to take place   of Akrotiri, a major urban centre during the
 from 7 June to 26 October 2024 at the   Middle and Late Bronze Age, now offering
 Museum of Prehistoric Thera on the island   invaluable insights into ancient Aegean society.  Top left and clockwise: Earthen Fibers by Helena
 of Santorini. This event by the non-profit   The biennale features 20 original works   Boddenberg, Kopfschmerzen (Headache) by Simon Manoha,
 organisation Big Blue Dot marks a significant   by 20 artists, each piece narrating aspects   Encapsulated Memories by Mirka Drapaniotou, Pithos &
 milestone in the promotion of contemporary   of Santorini’s essence. A series of events,   Tripod by Yoav Reches.
 Greek pottery, intertwining modern artistic   workshops, and educational programmes will be
 expression with the country’s centuries-old   available at the Santorini Art Factory (SAF)
 mastery of ceramics.  alongside the exhibition. All together, these
 The ancient Greek “κέραμος” refers to the   initiatives aim to provide artists, visitors, and
 potter’s clay, an apt term to incorporate   the local community with new experiences,
 into the biennale’s name, emphasising the   while nurturing the island’s tourism and
 heritage of ceramics in Greece and its cultural   economic development.
 significance. The BCK 2024 aims to support   BCK aspires to become one of Greece’s most
 and elevate this industry by fostering new   significant cultural events and act as a catalyst
 aesthetic trends, promoting research, and   for the global promotion of the country’s
 enhancing communication between creators   ceramics. Domestic artistic production is
 and the public. Ultimately, it seeks to fill   to connect with the international industry,
 a critical gap in contemporary ceramic art   showcasing the work of established and
 within the country, aligning itself with the   emerging artists. Santorini, a destination
 standards of the international scene.  that’s famous worldwide, is the first stepping
 BCK is designed as a wandering and decentralised   stone. As the host of the first BCK, it promises
 event to be hosted on a different Greek island   to elevate the profile of Greek ceramics
 every two years and draws inspiration from   and set a new precedent for the region’s
 each location’s mythological and historical   cultural events. The island’s accessibility
 heritage. For its inaugural event, Santorini’s   and infrastructure make it an ideal starting
 rich archaeological and cultural backdrop   point for this ambitious biennale, promising
 provides a perfect setting. The Museum of   a magical experience for anyone taking part
 Prehistoric Thera is the main venue, renowned   in this developing creative narrative, rooted
 for its extensive collection of clay vessels   in the medium of ceramics. •

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