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FEEL                                                                                                        andronis - santorini

                                The spa team is dedicated to helping you achieve harmony in mind, body and spirit.                                Personalised to your needs, our treatments include a range of relaxing body and facial therapies.

               Tapping inTo age-old secrets of wellness, beauty   support – Kallos Spa will open your eyes to new ways             products are second to none, nourishing the spirit and   specialists to use Dr Zulia’s bio-energy profiling test
               and rejuvenation, the Andronis Exclusive spas curate   to care for yourself, which will in turn bring out your      promoting internal health as much as our skin. Andronis   to discover the inner workings of your system so we
               incredible experiences to awaken every single one of   inner beauty. From Postural Alignment Therapeutic            Concept Wellness Resort is dedicated to allowing guests   can support you with a comprehensive programme of
               your senses and deliver long-lasting results. Placing   Yoga to the Relax & Rebalance Renewed Recovery              to live the good life, with the serenity we associate with   treatments and nutrition that can transform your life.
               a holistic approach centre stage, Andronis’ spa and   Facial, treatments are as effective as they are pleasant,     a spa environment stretching across the resort, finding   Attend private yoga sessions designed by Conscious
               wellness experiences have been devised to offer   tackling the causes of imbalances instead of just their           expression in everything from the balanced meals on   Body Therapy and Chakradarshan yoga expert
               guests ample opportunity for pampering and soothing.   symptoms on the skin and body.                               offer to interior design and architecture.     Consuelo Saroyan to teach your body a new vocabulary
               Indulging all your senses, we aim not just to make you   New in 2019, the Kallos menu has been updated with           Encompassing the beauty and powerful aura of Oia,   of vitality. Discover the potency of the ila range, all
               look pretty but to help you become healthier, reconnect   exclusive, special spa treatments as well as the expertise   Mare Sanus Spa serves Alta Mare by Andronis and   products of extensive research and sourcing by nurse,
               with your true self and rekindle your inner flame.   of Consuelo Saroyan, Dr Zulia Frost and Denise                 Andronis Luxury Suites. It is a carefully put together   yogic healer and aromatherapist Denise Leicester,
                 The unparalleled aura of the island of Santorini, an   Leicester. Wellness Coach, Therapist in Traditional        space sure to unlock your senses, release your tension,   which address our inner balance through the skin,
               ancient wellness destination believed to be linked to   Chinese medicine and Yoga teacher, Consuelo brings          soothe your soul, and put a smile on your face and a   nourishing and calming in equal measure. Eastern
               the lost city of Atlantis, has been harnessed and put to   years of experience in the holistic improvement of       glow on your skin. Using natural, organic products   and Western wellness traditions converge under the
               work alongside exceptional products and techniques   VIP clients’ lives, placing her  know-how in the service       and time-honoured techniques, treatments on offer   sunny Mediterranean sky, and even local Santorini
               from across the world with the purpose of aiding you   of every single guest.Trained in both Western and            include facials, massage and indulgent body rituals   ingredients join in to spoil you to no end.
               on your journey to bring your best self forward and   Eastern medicine, including acupuncture, Dr Frost is          as well as private yoga sessions. Unwind, take a deep   Not falling far from the tree, Andronis Athens also
               recapture tranquillity.                      a recognised pioneer of Interactive Neurostimulation                   breath and recalibrate.                        takes care of the wellness needs of its guests promptly
                 A striking space at Imerovigli’s purpose-built   therapy. Her addition to the team means exclusive                  Awaited with eager anticipation, Evexia Spa is simply   and eagerly through a range of delightful experiences.
               Andronis Wellness Resort, Kallos Spa may take its   services such as the Hair Profiling Test, which allows for      named for “wellness” in Greek. Located inside Oia’s   Private massages are delivered by experts at your suite
               name from the Ancient Greek word for beauty, but   the creation of a fully personalised lifestyle, treatment        brand-new Andronis Arcadia, Evexia Spa also makes   while there are traditional hammam bath experiences
               it embraces health and wellness in equal measure.   and nutrition programme for each guest based on a bio-          use of the state-of-the-art knowledge and pioneering   available. Allow Andronis’ team of spa and wellness
               Focusing on four key tenets of rebalancing life – sleep   energy approach. Denise Leicester is the driving force    expertise of Consuelo Saroyan, Dr Zulia Frost, and   experts to bring you to a new world of beauty, peace
               quality, hormone balance, de-stressing and digestive   between ila – a natural, organic skincare brand whose        Denise Leicester’s exceptional ila cosmetics. Allow our   and inner strength. •

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