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                     S A N T O R I N I -T H E N A K E D C H I L D

                               B Y T H E G R E E K P O E T G E O R G E S E F E R I S *

                                    Bend if you can to the dark sea forgetting
                                    the flute’s sound on naked feet
                                    that trod your sleep in the other, the sunken life.
                                    Write if you can on your last shell
                                    the day the place the name
                                    and fling it into the sea so that it sinks.
                                    We found ourselves naked on the pumice stone
                                    watching the rising islands
                                    watching the red islands sink
                                    into their sleep, into our sleep.                                                                            apply to the new panerai pam.guard program
                                                                                                                                                              to benefit up to 8 years of
                                                                                                               PHOTO: JOHN DOYLE/UNSPLASH                  international limited warranty
                                    *George Seferis was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1963                                               register your timepiece on

                                                                                                                                                       Fira Santorini (Greece) - Gold Str. - Tel. +30 22860 36196 -
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