Page 21 - ANDRONIS_2021
P. 21

Editor’s note

 Live the Santorini

 experience to the fullest

 SantorInI IS ItS gorgeous mornings.   own pace, in its own terms. The vines are   bliss. Andronis Boutique Hotel, Andronis
 Those first few minutes after the sun has   loaded with Santorini’s precious grapes.   Luxury Suites, Alta Mare by Andronis in
 risen and people have started leaving   The air is dry and crisp. Ancient lava has   Oia, Andronis Concept in Imerovigli and
 their cave-like houses to enjoy yet   left its complex mark everywhere.   Andronis Honeymoon in Fira. All pieces
 another day in a setting unlike anywhere   Everyone I meet on these steep   of a puzzle that echoes the legend of a
 in the world. This island feels almost   slopes, in alleys and terraces – visitor   charming land and infuses every location
 mystical. Its beauty is like no other.   or local – has a story to tell: How they   with a zen ambiance. From Lucabettus
 Santorini is an expressive island; it   reached Santorini, how they’ve found   restaurant, seemingly suspended on the
 sends you a clear message to get to know   their own private oasis of relaxation   cliffside to the cavernous havens of our
 it, to explore it and to never forget it. To   and indulgence. Or how they warmly   spa booths and to stunning rooms and
 me, there’s nothing like the experience of   welcome visitors from all over the world,   suites, everything is dreamlike here.   The Riva Experience
 returning here to rediscover myself and to   taking their stay higher and higher.   Sophistication,  beauty,  genuine
 rediscover the island. Although Santorini   These industrious people of hospitality   tranquillity. Make sure you live this
 is part of the Cyclades, it feels like it’s out   keep raising the bar, having created a   experience to the fullest. There’s no word   Enjoy the unique rime of the Caldera with Riva exceptional, luxury motor yacht that will completely
 of this world. The sea glimmers all the   microcosm that combines authenticity   to call it but unique. •  satisfy your needs and fulfi ll all your secret desires. State of Art technology and tradition, elegance
 way to the Caldera. The sun flirts with   and luxury.  and timeless beauty merge with the waters of the Aegean sea!
 the white-washed houses, making them   Their inspiration? This extraordinary   Elsa Soimiri — Editor in Chief
 shine. The villages fit in like minimal   island which they want to share with the
 pieces of a beautiful jigsaw puzzle. On   whole world. From Fira to Imerovigli
 the beaches, the colours transition from   and further, to Oia, five such oases – the   Design and absolute quality!
 blue to red, sometimes even black. The   Andronis properties – are essential stops
 hinterland of the island breathes at its   on your dreamy way to a state of pure

                                                             Caldera Yachting, Fira, Santorini 84 700 Greece
 20 • ANDRONIS • Magazine                                    T. +30 22860 23000/ 23990 · F. +30 22860 23430
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