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George Spyromilios Gemologist &
GEM APPRAISALS Diamontologist, Appraiser and Founder
of IGLcert with his expert team.
George Spyromilios Gemologist & Diamontologist, Appraiser and Founder
of IGLcert reveals the secrets behind evaluating valuing diamonds and gemstones.
How have you managed to attain the status as the leading Gemolog- sophisticated, state-of-the-art equipment is necessary to verify exact species, origin
ical Institute in Greece? or treatments. Ultimately, both approaches are crucial. Yes, following certain pro-
We have reached this level of recognition in our own country as we offer a tocols in order to make a proper identification is important but it really does come
variety of services that secure every transaction that takes place in the jewelry down to knowledge and experience at the end of the day.
industry in Greece. As we thoroughly analyze each gemstone and piece of Jewelry appraisal is a special process, requiring special training. How are
jewelry, consumers and professionals are able to feel confident in our gem- valuations made in Greece?
ological reports, and most importantly they feel safe as they can verify the The valuation procedure applies to insuring gems or jewelry against theft or loss,
authenticity of our documents digitally themselves. Furthermore, IGLcert preparing a will, divorce proceedings, division of family property or private sales.
constantly hosts professional educational workshops and presentations in Today, most jewelry appraisals are performed for insurance purposes. A proper val-
Greece and abroad, thereby enabling them to offer better services to their uation includes a clear and detailed description of the item or collection, based on
clients. We always try to stay up to date and a good example of that is the an impartial analysis and valuation, photos of the jewelry, their value, proof of own-
certification of Laboratory Grown (Synthetic) Diamonds. We are proud to ership etc. The valuation process for jewelry in Greece is not well-defined. There is
be the very first laboratory in Greece to issue reports for lab grown diamonds no shortage of people who call themselves jewelry valuers or appraisers, but few of
which we started doing years ago. them actually meet the basic criteria such as having a degree in gemology, being a
How do you ensure for integrity and objectivity when granting gem- member of an international valuation association that sets standards and rules of
ological certifications? appraisal, and, of course, not being involved in any commercial activity related to
It’s tricky talking about total objectivity. A slight difference in views on the jewelry. IGLcert Appraisal & Valuation is the only organization in Greece whose
diamond’s 4Cs is acceptable worldwide, opinions may also vary from lab to valuers are members of international valuation associations which always operate
lab, or between gemologists; there are even cases where the same gemologist on the basis of international standards, with access to and communication with all
may have a different opinion on a particular gemstone under different condi- the international valuation and appraisal guides.
tions. What is unacceptable is not disclosing any treatment or laboratory or- Having traveled all over the world, you have come across some very rare
igin of a gemstone, as that can seriously affect its value. At IGLcert, we offer diamonds. Are you able to recognize outstanding diamonds straight away?
certification and valuation for loose or set diamonds and colored gemstones, There are times where I travel to museums for a diamond exhibit so although I
which we manage to do in the most objective way possible in our gemological know exactly what I am about to see and yet, the beauty of Mother Nature has the
reports using state-of-the-art machinery but most importantly, our knowledge ability to still amaze me. Out of the many diamonds I have come across, I will never
of gemology which has been built up over the years. forget a very rare Golconda diamond and a unique Cartier brooch. When it comes
Has the way you look at gemstones changed over the years? to jewelry, we can’t see at first glance how special it is, we have to do a proper gem-
Technology has definitely infiltrated our field and our work, from the exami- ological examination or even a historical search.
nation through to certification. What we need to understand though, is that in Which gemstone would you choose for a timeless gift that was also a smart “Every gemstone has
a story to tell and we
order to use the new digital equipment correctly, you also have to understand investment for the future? are here to reveal that
the principals of traditional gemology. Diamond grading is still done by the I would always choose a Natural Diamond. The toughest material known to man story”, Gemologist,
naked eye as we grade for clarity and color, but it has gone digital in terms of it retains its value, can be removed from a piece of jewelry and put in a new one - George Spyromilios.
the quality of the cut and carat weight. As for colored gemstones, the use of Diamonds are forever.
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