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Elena Dedoussi
welcomes her
customers in the
Breitling Boutique
of Athens, on
Elena Dedoussi, Marketing
Manager of Breitling Hellas
sheds light on the modern side
of luxury brands and analyzes
Breitling’s distinct identity.
A s a fine watchmaking house with a history
that continues to provide inspiration through
its dynamic image, Breitling’s emblematic
new collections combine the charm of the
aesthetics of the past with modern materials
and technology, resulting in watches that are
both elegant and dynamic at the same time.
How has the definition of luxury changed Greece over
the course of 2023?
Fortunately for all of us, the years of inaccessible luxury are
over. Right now the definition of luxury goes beyond the
product itself and encompasses a more holistic approach
defined by customer-centric brands. Especially after the
events we have all experienced in recent years, the consumer For two years now, the Breitling Boutique in Ath- as different watch strap materials so that a customer can "BREITLING BOUTIQUE
is looking for what we call everyday luxury. Without ens has stood out not only in terms of its aesthet- create a unique watch exactly as they have imagined it.
compromising on quality, we are seeing brands creating a ics, but also for its special atmosphere. How have Also, we have definitely seen a large move away from the IN ATHENS REFLECTS
new, casual luxury that does not “shout” and embodies the visitors to Athens reacted to the brand’s exclusive constrictions of men’s and women’s watches and who
concept of wellbeing. store? buys them. I love seeing women wearing big Avengers THE CHARACTER OF
What do customers look for in a Breitling watch be- We are really very proud of the success of our Boutique on for example. At the end of the day it all comes down to
sides its heritage and high craftsmanship? Do ethical Voukourestiou Street. Its aesthetics, like all of our stores a matter of personal style. THE BRAND AND HAS
values, such as sustainability, play a role today? around the world, is reminiscent of a New York industrial Is there a brand ambassador that stands out for
At Breitling, we are a team that’s definitely on a sustainability style loft. In essence, we have created a space that reflects you, and if so what makes them an ideal brand MOVED ON FROM THE
mission, evident from our #squadonamission hashtag in all the character of Breitling and has moved on from the ambassador? RETAIL EXPERIENCE AS
our communications. This means that we are constantly retail experience as we know it. It’s very important for Every member of the team is important because they
exploring ways in which we can create new products that us to be able to welcome our customers there because represent and appeal to different types of customers, so WE KNOW IT."
offer casual, inclusive and sustainable luxury reflecting the this space is a huge part of the brand experience that we have tried to choose ambassadors who are role models
true aspirations of today’s consumers. It also means that we differentiates us from other watchmakers. Our sense in different industries or genres who have something
are committed to doing our best to optimize the social and of hospitality is all part of our communication ethos to say. One important addition to the Squad was and
environmental impact of our business. We committed to which begins from the moment when someone first is Giannis Antetokounmpo because he has such an
the Origins series - released last year - where we have pledged hears about us until after the purchase of the watch itself. important life story, so many experiences to share that
to use only lab grown diamonds by 2025. We also swapped What is Breitling’s most successful collection and I feel that people love and respect him because they see national level. They are a key part of our communication
out all of our packaging boxes for new ones made from which collections do you prefer for men and wom- parts of themselves in him, they see a sense of hope. I and are a pillar of the brand’s DNA. From our triathletes
recycled plastic. Furthermore, now the entire supply chain en, respectively? constantly meet people of all ages, who express their and our partnership with Ironman, to super cool brands
of our products – from all raw materials used through to I believe that a key reason for the great success of the adoration for him on a human level beyond his athletic like Triumph and Deus ex Machina and a few more
the final product – is documented both in the owner’s NFT brand is the sheer breadth of our portfolio. Although capabilities. We feel extremely proud to be able to work which we will be announcing later on this year, Breitling
and publicly on an online map of origin (all of the available our aesthetics are based on the modern retro lines that we with him. is always looking for partners who share the same passion
information is also independently verified). The consumer follow, our collections are so rich that every customer is What are your favorite collaborations and what and values and this always translates into great collections
is now looking for, and this will intensify in the future, GEORGE BOLBASSIS guaranteed to find a watch that suits them. We make sure do they symbolize for the brand itself? and limited edition watches that people love. We promise
products and brands with a deep social and environmental that we can accommodate all wrist sizes whilst offering It’s always a great pleasure to work with brands and that you will see many more in the future because as our
identity. many different colour combinations on our dials as well companies that are emblematic either on a global or CEO says: this is just the beginning!
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