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Vangelis Daktylides invite us
to try everything that’s new
ATHENS RIVIERA JOURNAL at the Myconian Collection Hotels
influence & Resorts’ exquisite portfolio.
THE LEGACY KEEPER of people I grew up with here on Mykonos. And I take
every opportunity to enjoy this magnificent island we
call home. Mykonos might be small, but there’s always
something new to discover, see and do. That is partly
Vangelis Daktylides, one of the thanks to the incredible people of this island, those
who were born here as well as those who chose to make
owners of the Myconian Collection it their home, who contribute to Mykonos’s vibrant
cultural life, with art, happenings and, of course, an
Hotels & Resorts group, invites amazing food scene! But it’s also thanks to the island
itself, to the enchanting way its nature and landscapes
guests to the unique sophisticated change with every season. This connection we have to
the land, to each other and to the community here is
precious, and we strive to pass a little bit of that feeling
experience of Mykonos island. on to our guests, through the personalised hospitality
and authentic experiences that we offer.
You place a lot of importance on the term “sustain-
ability. What does this concept in hospitality invest-
Interview by ELSA SOIMIRI ments mean to you?
M yconian col- ture, gourmet dining and chic bars, spa and pampering tradition, its history and its unique spirit. Mykonos
In our family, we all have at least one thing in common:
our love for Mykonos; its light and its truth, its sea and
inspires us and we continue to take care of it as much
lection’s Van-
opportunities, glamorous events, and the stellar service
gelis Daktylides
that Myconian Collection is known for. In a nutshell,
as we can, with everything from donations like this one
discusses their key
to beach cleaning and more. To us, Mykonos is more
we are committed to delivering the kind of attention
to detail that elevates a fantastic holiday into a heavenly
priorities for this
than a place. We believe that much of our success is be-
cause of this very real, very genuine connection to this
year aiming at the
experience… memories to be cherished forever.
land. It’s a source of endless inspiration which, even
What is the greatest asset about working in the trav-
strong emotions
summoned by
after all this time, still brings new experiences, ideas
el industry?
discover new ways of communicating our love to it.
we work with and the people we welcome as guests. The
Recently, this has included the complete construction
What are your
opportunity to create meaningful experiences at every
from scratch of a fully functional Gymnasio second-
step, from offering guests a once-in-a-lifetime luxury
expectations this season? Greek authentic It’s the people that make it all worthwhile. The people and opportunities. This is why every passing year we the school – a useful, practical feature providing peace of travelling and of sharing moments and experiences. "THE WHOLE
Greece is set to have a bumper tourism season in 2022, hospitality experience to providing opportunities for ary school in Ano Mera – complete with classrooms, of mind and convenience for educators. 2022 must be a year of reconnecting with ourselves and
with better than expected outcomes across the board. our team to grow and to excel and, of course, to sup- workshops, sports courts, yard, staff accommodation, If you could invite three famous guests (dead or alive) finding happiness in togetherness. This is going to be a DAKTYLIDES
The country is expecting a huge number of visitors and porting local businesses and the local community so and recreation and multi-purpose spaces. Specifically, to a dinner party, who would you choose? year of trying new things, visiting new places, and dis-
the offering is better than ever. At Myconian Collection, that Mykonos can continue to be the unique, authen- the new Gymnasio high school serves students between Melina Mercouri, of course! Melina was one of a kind, covering new ways to live life to the fullest. And that’s FAMILY STILL
we already welcome guests from around the world at our tic, wonderful place that it is. the ages 12 and 15 – the first leg of secondary education a woman of extraordinary passion and spirit, who em- also our goal at Myconian Collection.
11 outstanding luxury properties, including the brand As Mykonos natives, we love everything about this is- in Greece – from its location in Ano Mera, the second bodied in so many ways the spirit of Hellenism and be- This year we’re debuting two new properties: the beach- WORKS HARD
new O by Myconian Collection and Panoptis Escape. land, and we’re driven by a genuine passion to show the biggest settlement on Mykonos Island. The ambitious came a sort of ambassador of Greek culture to the world. front O by Myconian Collection, which brings sublime
Located in four of the island’s most coveted destina- world just how exceptional Mykonos is. That’s what project by our family set the goal of providing a fully Also Tom Hanks, who has long proclaimed his love luxury and cosmopolitan chic to Ornos Beach, and the EVERY DAY TO
tions—Mykonos Town, Elia Beach, Ornos Beach and inspired Myconian Collection. From the opening of functional, disability-friendly building consisting of for Greece, and the renowned Greek composer Manos ultra-luxury Panoptis Escape, which draws inspiration
Platis Gialos—our properties combine breathtaking our first small hotel in 1979 to the thriving enterprise 13 spacious and bright classrooms making use of cut- Hatzidakis, whose songs have been the soundtrack to from Zeus himself to offer an exclusive holiday experi- MAKE SURE THAT
locations with exquisite interiors to provide the perfect we are today, Myconian Collection has always been a ting-edge smart tech, each of which can accommodate the lives and summers of people around the world. ence from its hilltop perch above Elia Beach. So, with
backdrop for discerning travellers to enjoy unbeatable family-owned and family-managed business, built on up to 20 students. In total, the new facilities already serve Which book and/or TV show attracted your full 11 fabulous Myconian properties in total, we’re look- THIS ISN’T JUST
summer holidays. the back of hard work and grounded in a tradition of 200 students and dozens of teachers. Eco-friendly and attention? ing forward to welcoming guests to a world of barefoot A SUCCESSFUL
After these past two years, we all deserve a bit of sunshine genuine Greek island hospitality. Our father dug the designed with the particular demands of the community Trends and seasonal hits aside, I keep coming back luxury, authentic Greek hospitality, unforgettable ex-
in our lives—literally and figuratively—and that’s at the foundations for our first four hotels with a wheel-loader of Mykonos firmly in mind, the new school is fully in to a Greek author and writer, one who often exalted periences and legendary personalised service on iconic, BUSINESS, BUT A
heart of what Myconian Collection aims to offer each he picked up second-hand, and our mother was in charge line with sustainability considerations and innovative Mykonos and who has long been my all-time favourite: inimitable, sun-kissed Mykonos.
and every one of our guests: An opportunity to relax of breakfasts and housekeeping. We’ve certainly grown energy-saving technologies, as well as fully integrated Nikos Kazantzakis. Of all his works, the novel Zorba the And, what’s next for the Myconian Collection Ho- LEGACY TO PASS
and recharge, to celebrate their authentic self, and to a bit since then, but the whole family still works hard with the traditional architecture of Mykonos. It adopts Greek is the one I keep re-reading most, and no matter tels & Resorts?
experience joy and togetherness in the best company, every day to make sure that this isn’t just a successful several technological breakthroughs and features tech how many times I’ve read it, I never tire of the writing In addition to our two new entries, there is even more ON TO THE NEXT
in the best possible setting and with a world of bespoke business, but a legacy to pass on to the next generation. and information science workshops, natural sciences or the lessons the story holds. Kazantzakis is truly an in the works. 2023 will see the launch of our most up-
luxury at their fingertips. Our team has worked hard to Where do you dedicate your free time? laboratories, basketball courts, as well as a large, multi- extraordinary writer. His work is timeless. scale, top-tier property yet at the striking Agios Vasilis, GENERATION."
ensure that the experience is nothing less than extraor- When it comes to free time, I put my money where my purpose space for assembly and events, among others. What is your main goal in 2022? very near to Mykonos Town – yet far enough to de-
dinary, and guests can expect to enjoy a full range of mouth is. I try to spend as much quality time as possible Moreover, the facilities include accommodation for After everything we have all been through over the past liver privacy and exclusive luxury made for discerning
bespoke activities, authentic encounters with local cul- with my family and with my friends and the community teaching staff, with 18 homes built to this end alongside two years, it is time to let go and relax, to embrace the joy VVIPs. Stay tuned!
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