P. 135
“I brought Pin-Up Stars to Greece. I did "OTHERS WOULD GO TO
everything to get them on the market, riencing the serenity that can only come from creating CAPRICE; WE WOULD
even put leaflets through people’s doors.” something of your own and then sharing it with the WORK. BECAUSE WE WERE
people you love.
F ounder Marie Zacharaki’s vi- Growing up, I traveled a lot with my parents because my TOILED, STAYED UP ALL
What motivated you in your professional path?
I wanted to travel the world. I had a vision and an af-
finity for creating. I also wanted to be independent.
father was a pilot with Olympic Airways. This opened
my horizons and my ambition.
Back then, it was difficult for a Greek woman to move
abroad. How was it for you?
I was incredibly enthusiastic. Afraid of nothing and
taking nothing for granted. I wanted to finish school,
sion has transformed the Greek
resortwear scene and market, also
I chose to study in Italy – which was fortunate because
embracing everything from ready-
I met lots of illustrious people in fashion. I worked for
to-wear to accessories and home brands. move on, discover, experiment! But I also worked hard.
Fiorucci, who collaborated with Jean Paul Gaultier.
Salt Water was founded in 1995, when she identified a Gaultier was a huge name at the time – we made clothes
gap in the domestic market. Why should swimwear be for Madonna. This was my introduction to high quality How did Ralph Lauren come into the picture? and friends helped – and vice versa, as people fell in
confined to lingerie stores? Why can’t it be a fashion in fashion design. And it gave me an unwavering vision After Italy, I was invited to the US – a tempting offer love with the products. They sold out right away.
statement? And indeed, it could. Marie Zacharaki’s and standards. that nevertheless did not tempt me. I’d made up my When did you feel you made your dream a reality?
iconic company brings some of the most premium Did you visit Greece in the six years of your absence? mind. I had built a strong network and wanted to re- With the Astir Beach concept store – Salt Water Bou-
fashion brands to Greece, from Orlebar Brown to Often, even on weekends. We took our vacations in turn to Greece. I missed my friends. Today, I might tique. When I traveled with my parents in Miami, New
MC2 St Barth. Mykonos, at a very authentic era. My friends and I have chosen differently. So my sister calls me and says York, Paris, Caribbean, where there are a lot of resorts,
Today, Marie is one of the most successful and unique would rent locals’ houses, ride vespas, swim, dive… Ralph Lauren are looking for someone for their Kol- I observed what people wore. I saw how they dressed
figures in fashion. Salt Water’s monobrand and multi- Authentic fun in a virgin landscape. onaki store – the first one. I was hired within a day. and didn’t like how commercial and boring the stores
brand boutiques feature luxury flip-flops by Uzurii, You had a unique, key influence on the swimwear In Italy, at Gaultier, I learned about design and pat- were. I was determined to do things differently if I had
uplifting clothing by Camilla, the posh fragrances of scene in Greece. How did you get this idea? tern. We would follow his mood board and do the test the chance.
The English Soap Company, glamorous swimsuits by In our country summer lasts several months. Back in drive. At Ralph Lauren, I learned about retail. VIP I was lucky enough to choose brands that took off. I
Pin-Up Stars, coveted pieces by Balmain, stylish Stel- the day, swimsuits only lived in lingerie stores and were customers, amenities, luxury. At 24 years old, I was introduced new names such as Camilla, Agua Bendita,
la McCartney creations, and ethereal resortwear by utilitarian, not beautiful! Same in Italy. So I got the idea managing seven people. MC2 St Barth. I also brought to the market no brand
Temptation Positano – among others. In fact, her retail to design swimsuits. I was studying architecture at Do- And what about your passion for swimwear? companies that grew alongside myself – such as Melissa
network reaches 1 in 5 locals and visitors. mus Academy, but there were fashion design courses I never stopped marketing swimwear but I was pressed Odabash who now has incredible brand awareness and
She set off on this glamorous journey young but nev- available, and among the instructors was Ferré. There for time. I managed three floors at Ralph Lauren, for turns over 80 million.
ertheless set the bar high and strived for what she loves. was a swimwear shop in Kalogera, Pan, which agreed to three-four years. I would return home at 11. But it had This was where all my ideas took form. I created a re-
Having studied architecture in Italy, she earned a Mas- stock our pieces. We made amazing swimwear featuring run its course and I wanted to move on. I started my laxed store. I wanted a different experience – to have
ter’s in Design and speaks four languages. Marie Zach- gems, colors, beautiful double-sided Lycra textiles. They own swimsuit business. As I was looking for a store, it be part of the customers’ vacations. When my Salt
araki has an inherent passion for creation. Self-made, said, “Girls, come sell them yourselves!” And we took a Alexandros Manos approached me with a new concept Water multibrand store opened at the Four Seasons, it
she worked with determination and decisiveness to leap of faith, heading there to work! And we discovered in marketing and media. I joined him for two years. But was a dream come true: a slow-living resort boutique. It
eventually direct a company that boasts three mono- Mykonos behind the scenes. Louisa, Vanda Katoutsi I would still sell my swimsuits to friends – at Poros, at had a sitting area, spacious fitting rooms, large till area
brand stores (Orlebar Brown in Mykonos, MC2 San- and I – the bohemian, the iconic woman and I, with the water ski centers. I’d never stopped traveling and that gives you a sense of comfort, like being at home.
torini and MC2 Astir Palace Beach (Vouliagmeni)), five a more relaxed attitude. Three strong personalities, so searching for amazing swimwear all around the world. It was a success!
multibrand stores (three in Attica and one in Paros) and different. But we were so enthusiastic. Others would So, I brought Pin-Up Stars to Greece. I did everything What do you feel is your reward?
two multibrand corners in Athens. go to Caprice; we would work. Because we were incred- to get them on the market, even put leaflets through When people tell me they are glad to send me their
We met in her stunning boutique inside the Four Sea- ibly passionate about swimwear. We toiled, stayed up people’s doors. customers.
sons Astir Palace Hotel Athens, in Vouliagmeni. Talk- all night, fell ill, but rose to the occasion. It taught us Where do you think your secret to success lies? What’s next for you?
ing with Marie revealed a magical world of fashion, so much: responsibility, tiredness, teamwork, limits… It’s essential that you do what you love. It’s impor- I’ve had an offer from Hawaii for a large shopping
inspiration and resolve. It was Vanda’s first time wearing shoes decorated with tant to travel to find stimuli. To see things. I think center in NY and LA, that features brands such as
How does a career woman combine success and fam- Swarovski crystals. out of the box. Once, for a winter collection, I hired Rolex, Tesla and Victoria’s Secret. I’m considering
ily life? How do you see yourself today, looking back? Dionysos restaurant near the Odeon of Herodes At- making Salt Water a new international concept. But
I set the bar high. Had plenty of experiences but I was It was no laughing matter. I fought every day. I’m so proud ticus and flooded it with Styrofoam. It was a modern, I have always been careful and conservative in my ven-
in it for the long term. My years living abroad matured GEORGE BOLBASSIS when I think about it. I learned self-confidence. I found revolutionary show in a classical setting with an in- tures. I continue to dream but my children and my
me and gave me a vision, but I never lost sight of my my footing. I had no qualms. I was creating my collec- credible view. Pin-Up Stars were a success. The me- family take priority. They give me balance and make
Marie Zacharaki in her stunning boutique inside the Four Seasons Astir Palace Hotel Athens, in Vouliagmeni. goal: building a beautiful, close-knit family and expe- tion, and that was important to me. I was on a mission. dia saw I was unique and supported me. My network me feel alive and happy.
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