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As infrastructure projects along the entire coast-
al front of Athens have begun to take shape
"QR CODES IN THE PHYSICAL SHOP WINDOWS aimed at boosting the capital’s tourism product
OF ATHENS AND THESSALONIKI GIVE THE and extending the tourist season to 12 months,
do you believe that the landscape of distinc-
CHANCE TO A CUSTOMER PASSING BY TO tive shopping destinations in the capital will
be affected?
A s the new Marketing & Communication Director at notos our capital’s image as a destination to-be all year
On the contrary… Any infrastructure taking place
in Athens, center or coastal, will further enhance
long! They will create visiting triggers on an an-
nual basis that both shopping destinations in the
city center or in the coastal part will benefit from.
New hotel openings, new experiential projects
and occasions, along with a really well-organized
department stores, she knows that in order to open the door to
effort on behalf of all involved stakeholders that
already takes place in order to communicate Ath-
the future, you should treasure the past and evolve it into your
new route.
You recently became Marketing & Communication Director at
tourism growth which is our country’s USP re-
notos department stores, one of the largest and longest-running
sulting to a commercial growth which we count
department store chains in Greece in fashion and beauty. What challenge do you face with a ens and all our distinctive districts, will accelerate
and waiting for.
traditional shopping destination like notos? As a southern suburbs’ lover, what would you
I take particular pride in joining a team and a company that runs one of the most historical retail suggest to a work colleague visiting Greece that
multi store businesses in Greece. Becoming a member of notos Department Stores’ Division at he should see and visit on the Athenian Riviera?
Notos Com Holdings S.A, I have realized that along with a fully capable team around me, the I will not be referred by name but definitely our
key milestones we need to build on are our history while taking advantage of our credentials in coast starting from Faliro till Sounio offers a great
order to move on to a new era: pool of choices in terms of really well-organized
a. Build on a distinctive shopping destination based on an already existed and well-established all-day beach projects and hotel experiential ven-
portfolio and clientele but at the same time setting new trends in both fashion and beauty, rep- ues where you can spend well the whole day! Tra-
resented by new, upcoming brands with high awareness and affinity penetration to new Gens. ditional tavernas with our distinctive cuisine, bar
b. Elevate customer experience and paths online/offline in order to further enhance brand proximity. restaurants with Mediterranean or international
c. Making Omni channel Strategy, in terms of flawless cross channel service, developments, as- choices and world class cocktails are one-of-a-
sortment and synergies, the core of our business effort. kind in our Athenian Riviera. My favorite area
The historic flagship department store is located in the heart of Athens on the corner of Sta- "On the top of is Vouliagmeni, therefore every choice close to
diou and Aiolou. In the shop window, passersby can scan QR codes upgrading the shopping mind, Piraeus Lemos area is highly recommended!
experience from a physical to a digital experience. What type of consumer are you aiming at Where would you recommend a visitor to notos
with this type of dual strategy? can create go after shopping at either of the department
Building on Omni channel recruitment, retention and conversion are two of our primary busi- stores in the center of Athens or Piraeus to gain
ness focuses. Beyond a specialized product strategy, key contributors in the acceleration of omni such good the most from their experience in these two im-
strategy will be UX developments aiming at enhancing traffic across our business channels – no- portant parts of the capital?
tos existing or potential new customer, no matter demographics, will be communicated across all memories! A day well spent would be a day that she/he can
potential brand touchpoints either at physical stores or QR codes in the physical shop feel the vibes of our high street life in Athens. Walk
windows of Athens and Thessaloniki trigger exactly this business point of view – we give the chance I miss in the historic center, definitely Plaka, going to-
to a customer passing by our store in Athens or Thessaloniki to scan and explore our collection wards Aeropagitou and Makriyianni streets where
exposed on the windows. Therefore, in any time of his/her convenience, he/she would be able Mikrolimano a lot of cultural, food and drinks’ “gems” are to
to look around online, shop or return back to the store in order to try on or see more collections. and Kastella’s be found and then head to Voulis & Mitropole-
What does the shopping experience have in store for visitors shopping at notos and how would os area but also towards Voukourestiou for even
you like it to take shape over the next few years? view – more shopping (and many more…).
Experience is a mix of products, convenience and service. These are the pillars we target to keep Piraeus in my mind is so much connected emo-
always relevant, updated and accelerated in the period to come. In terms of assortment, our fo- therefore a day tional-wise to escapes; on the top of mind, it can
cus will be on a portfolio consisted of established brands in fashion, beauty and home but with GEORGE BOLBASSIS create such good memories! I can be a tourist in
additions from upcoming brands representing new trends in the main businesses we commer- well spent for Piraeus wandering and losing myself in unex-
cialize at. Service and well-trained teams, that are willing to help our customers, can advise based pected nice places that maybe I cannot recall next
on their personal style making the customers’ visit smooth and pleasant. That had always been me would be time I would be around. I miss Mikrolimano and
and will continue to be our priority. Customer instore shopping paths will be further refreshed Zoi Pitharouli has recently joined the notos Department Stores Division at Notos Com Holdings S.A., Kastella’s view – therefore a day well spent for me
in order to contribute to a flawless, easy to go around customer journey. exactly there!" a company that runs one of the most historical retail multi store businesses in Greece. would be exactly there!
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