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The Forward
As a classical optimist, John
Revithis can always detect the
silver lining in every circumstance
and as an experienced
Real Estate specialist,
he can foresee the grand
development that lies ahead.
H aving an active role in the field centage lower than on other international islands. How- The renovation was
ever, this reduced influx of tourists and investors brought
or Real Estate for over three dec-
forward better priced opportunities for some who did not
ades on Mykonos island, what was
the greatest change you have ex-
miss this opportunity.
undertaken by Stavros
Regarding villas, what are the characteristics of the most
Papagiannis, Creative
Director of Stage
sought-after investment?
Every year, on the altar of develop-
Design Office.
ment, the great demand for pur-
The characteristics can be summed up in privacy, easy
chase or rental of real estate brings
What are the characteristics of a residential property
about radical changes, spatial, ur-
either on the Athenian Riviera or on the islands that
ban and traffic related. Mykonos
attract the investors’ interest?
is among those top five islands of the territory that are access, sea view, large pool, gym and spacious interiors. Timeless Elegance
champions on these changes. We would rather like all Good architecture, careful construction, design layout,
Greek islands to remain as they were 30 years ago. Unfor- spacious rooms and remarkable outdoor living, many
tunately, this can’t happen and as a result we see significant electrical facilities and prime location: these are the prime Deloudis is celebrating its 50 years with the complete
changes every year. advantages of a sought-after property.
What are the prospects of premium real estate on Is Greek Real Estate competitive compared to the ones interior renovation of its showroom in Alimos.
Mykonos in five years’ time? of Western European countries?
Mykonos is now one of the most famous tourism destina- Of course, it is competitive due to the excellent prices we
tions in the world. It is no coincidence that multinational offer in Greece and comparatively we are hospitable with he recently renovated facilities of the MDF Italia, Acerbis, Arflex, Tom Dixon, Moooi and use; the “living rooms” are drowned in natural light
catering and clothing companies, clubs and international excellent quality, natural agricultural products, amazing T impressive building in Alimos, fully incorpo- Thonet, amongst others. The dark colored grey shades which is diffused from enormous openings, whereas
brands have been established here. The island’s prospects natural clean beaches and exceptional Mediterranean John Revithis, the Real Estate rate the modern aesthetics of today, showcasing which dominate onto the walls merge with the industrial the bedrooms are isolated from the rest of the space
are mostly referred to the hotels, concierge services and climate. Specialist on Mykonos island with the latest trends of high-end interior design, concrete on the floor, creating a dramatic and almost in a discrete way, creating a familiar atmosphere. This
suppliers. I strongly believe that these sectors will contin- According to you, in what terms will the Ellinikon de- an exquisite portfolio of supreme while maintaining the absolute feeling of elegance theatrical dimension. The mesmerizing walls stand out friendly aesthetic order directs and inspires the visitor
luxury properties.
ue to take central stage and embrace the arrival of inter- velop Real Estate around Athens Riviera? which springs from the timeless classical pieces. and give elegance and flexibility allowing the furniture effortlessly in order to realize every wish or working
national brands. The Ellinikon, along with the casino, stands as one of the Following the company’s vast tradition of five dec- to stand out masterfully. The architectural lighting need that he/she has dreamed of.
Dealing with the circumstances of the last two years, largest construction developments in Europe, including GEORGE SFAKIANAKIS ades, the showroom hosts a selection of collections of Flos was applied with particular intelligence and a Deloudis Showroom
what is your biggest challenge? skyscrapers, houses and many more buildings, due to its from the most famous design houses such as B&B, multidimensional way so that the space is divided into Alimou Avenue 5, Alimos
As a matter of fact, the tourists’ traffic fell by 50%, a per- excellent location. Cassina, Flexform, Edra, Poliform, Giorgetti, Porro, individual rooms, especially lighted according to their Tel: +302109851378
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