P. 57

ATHENS RIVIERA JOURNAL                                            ATHENS RIVIERA JOURNAL
 culture                                                                     culture

                                                                                             filmed on the slopes of the majestic Mount Olympus.
                                                                                             Your love for Greece is at the heart of everything you
                                                                                             do. What message does your art communicate about
                                                                                             the country that we live in, love and are inspired by?
                                                                                             Greece is a work of art, a masterpiece that I am bless-
                                                                                             ed and privileged to experience every day. It is an ide-
                                                                                             al place in every sense. This country has everything!
                                                                                             Beauty, colour, history, culture, people, feeling, soul.
                                                                                             The message that I want to convey is simple and I
                                                                                             believe in it wholeheartedly… All you need is Greece!
                                                                                             What are the challenges for female artists in Greece?
                                                                                             How hard is it to get your work shown, express your-
                                                                                             self and keep up with obligations while also finding
                                                                                             inspiration and creating?
                                                                                             Daily life is anyway demanding enough for every
                                                                                             woman who works and is a mother, partner, friend,
                                                                                             daughter. So many women face truly challenging con-
                                                                                             ditions, and I am deeply grateful that I get to do what
                                                                                             I love, that my job lets me express myself, helps me
                                                                                             evolve, fulfils me. No matter how many hours I put
                                                                                             in, how demanding my day-to-day is — because I’m
                                                                                             also mother to a six-year-old girl — when everything
                                                                                             quiets down and I sit in front of my canvas, dozens of
                                                                                             images emerge as if by magic and take shape through
                                                                                             my brushes. To me, every day is an inspiration.
                                                                                             With bold motifs and bright colours, your work
                                                                                             evokes feelings of happiness, yet you’re not afraid >
                                                                                             to address some of the difficult subjects facing the
                                                                                             world. How do you do this through your art?
                                                                                             These are unprecedented times and things are chang-
                                                                                             ing constantly and at a staggering speed. I’m always
                                                                                             thinking about how I can contribute. So I take to my
                                                                                             canvas and create images that incorporate empow-
                                                                                             ering symbols, images that evoke strong feelings of
                                                                                             optimism and faith. Some of my favourite symbols,
                                                                                             that I keep coming back to, are the thunderbolt and
                                                                                             the Greek flag.
                                                                                             When Greece was in the throes of its crisis, I painted
                                                                                             the “Crying Greek Flag,” with our flag’s iconic blue
                                                                                             and white stripes weeping. The idea was to show the
                                                                                             flag standing strong and proud, despite the pain and
                                                                                             tears. And those very same attributes, that strength and
                                                                                             resolve, are shared by Greece and the Greek people. >

                                                                                             "GREECE IS A WORK OF

                                                                                             ART, A MASTERPIECE
                                                                                             THAT I AM BLESSED

                                                                                             AND PRIVILEGED TO

                                                                                             EXPERIENCE EVERY DAY."
                          Left: Caroline Rovithi in her studio. This page: Freedom (top) and Avgolemono (bottom).

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