Page 21 - ATHENS RIVIERA 2024
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ATHENS RIVIERA JOURNAL                                                                                                                27,5x31cm
                               Great hospitality

 The Athenian Riviera:                               takes off!

 A Symphony of Luxury and Heritage


 Dear Readers,  tivity, further enhancing the Riviera’s appeal as a modern, luxurious destination.
 My recent encounter with the legendary photographer Robert McCabe at the   Cultural enrichment remains at the heart of the Riviera’s appeal. The area’s histor-
 Acropolis Museum was a profound reminder of the enduring charm of Greek cul-  ical sites and natural wonders are meticulously preserved, creating a perfect blend
 ture. McCabe, a figure of mythic stature to many romantic souls, has spent decades   of past and present. This careful preservation is vital as we look forward to a future
 capturing the essence of Greece through his lens. His work not only highlights the   where our children can continue to revel in the beauty of Athens, proud of their
 majestic landscapes of our homeland but also weaves a delicate tapestry that connects   heritage and optimistic about their prospects.
 our rich past with the vibrant present and promising future. His current exhibition,   The vision for the Athenian Riviera is clear: to continue its path of sustainable and
 “Hail, Stranger, in the Land of Dreams,” serves as a testament to a 70-year journey   balanced growth. This involves respecting the natural environment and fostering
 that echoes the timeless beauty of Greece, urging us to preserve our heritage amidst   developments that enhance the region’s allure without compromising its integrity.
 the whirlwind of modernization.  As we chart this path forward, we draw inspiration from visionaries like Robert
 As I stroll along the enchanting coastline of the Athenian Riviera, it’s impossible   McCabe, whose lens has immortalized the spirit of Greece, reminding us of the
 not to be captivated by its transformation. This scenic stretch, extending from the   profound connection between our storied past and the bold architectural strides we
 bustling southern suburbs of Athens to the majestic Cape Sounion, has blossomed   are making towards the future. His work not only chronicles our heritage but also
 into a haven of luxury and sophistication, attracting discerning travelers from around   highlights the importance of integrating this legacy into our modern developments,
 the globe.  ensuring that as we build, we also remember and revere.
 Recently, the Riviera has seen a significant influx of investment, particularly in the   As I walk these shores, I am filled with pride and hope, knowing that this beauti-
 hospitality sector with openings such as One&Only Aesthesis, the 91 Athens Rivi-  ful region will continue to shine brightly on the global stage, inviting the world to
 era, and the N’U Piraeus Port hotel.   experience its unique blend of history, culture, and modern elegance. The journey  ROBERT MCCABE AND ELSA SOIMIRI PHOTOGRAPHED BY NIKOS KOUSTENIS
 These new high-end accommodations harmoniously blend modern elegance with   of the Athenian Riviera from a scenic coastal area to a luxurious and sophisticated
 the region’s historical charm, aiming to redefine luxury hospitality in Greece. They   destination is a testament to thoughtful planning and strategic investment, ensuring
 offer unparalleled experiences catering to the desires of global travelers while respect-  a legacy that harmonizes the past, present, and future.
 ing the architectural and cultural ethos of our surroundings.
 Infrastructure developments have also played a pivotal role in this renaissance.
 Among them is the ambitious Ellinikon project, which aims to create a “15-minute   Elsa Soimiri
 smart city” within Athens. This visionary endeavor promises to revolutionize ur-
 ban living with state-of-the-art facilities, sustainable design, and seamless connec-  Publisher-Editor in Chief

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