Page 50 - ATHENS RIVIERA 2024
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                                                                        word of mouth
                              fleeting moments? Y                                   "I’VE BECOME VERY COMMITTED TO

                                                                                     PROTECTING GREECE’S BEAUTIFUL

                                                                                       LANDSCAPES AND TRADITIONAL
                              ou’ve mentioned photographing traditional Greek life that
                              has since transformed or disappeared. Could you share more
                              about these changes and your feelings about capturing these

                                                                                       BY LAW OF THE PLEISTOS RIVER
                              I never imagined things would change so rapidly. I naively   ARCHITECTURE. THE PROTECTION
                              thought I would return every year to photograph different   VALLEY IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE
                              islands and their traditional ways of life. Suddenly, there was
                              electricity, running water, tractors, mills, ferries, and tourists.  WONDERFUL RESULTS STEMMING
                              In 1957, you returned to Greece on assignment for National
                              Geographic. How did this professional engagement differ   FROM A DESIRE TO PROTECT A
                              from your explorations, and what were the highlights of
                              this assignment?                                               BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPE."
                              The main difference was using color film. Otherwise, I was
                              photographing similar scenes as in 1954 and 1955. As a Na-
                              tional Geographic reader, I was influenced by their storytelling
                              style. Color presented a challenge due to the poor latitude of
                              Kodachrome film. Balancing the white houses and blue sea
                              was difficult, but now, with digital tools, it’s easier.
                              Your connection to Greece deepened through marriage,
                              and you eventually settled on Patmos. How has living in
                              Greece influenced your photography and relationship with
                              the country?
                              It’s become clear that one never runs out of photo opportuni-
                              ties with antiquities. Different times of day offer varied light,
                              and different seasons provide unique angles. The weather also
                              adds a variable, making each photo unique.
                              Having spent significant time among the Greek people, cap-
                              turing their daily lives and evolving culture, what unique
                              qualities do you find most endearing or striking about the
                              Greek way of life?
                              From the start of my visits, I admired the closeness of family.
                              As someone who has witnessed the transformation of Greece
                              over the decades, how has your emotional and personal con-
                              nection to the country and its people deepened over time?
                              I’ve become very committed to protecting Greece’s beautiful
                              landscapes and traditional architecture. The protection by law
                              of the Pleistos River Valley is an example of the wonderful re-
                              sults stemming from a desire to protect a beautiful landscape.
                              Reflecting on your extensive body of work, how do you
                              hope future generations will perceive your photographs of
                              Greece, and what legacy do you wish to leave behind with
                              your images?
                              I’d like my work to be seen as both a record of what I saw
                              and an inspiration for those who want to protect Greece’s
                              landscapes. 
                              “Χαίρε Ξένε. In the land of dreams” -Temporary Exhibition
                              Gallery at the Acropolis Museum ground floor. Open until 8
                              September 2024. Entrance is free to the public. (A free admission
                              ticket is required from the Museum Ticket Desk). A bilingual
                              publication (Greek-English) is available in the Museum Shops.

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