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                                                                        word of mouth

                                                                                          C                   elebrating a milestone of historical

                                                                                                              signif icance,  the  premiere  of  the
                                                                                                              documentary “150 Years Hotel Grande
                                                                                                              Bretagne:  Hosting  History”  marked  a
                                                                                                              poignant tribute to the illustrious journey
                                                                                                              of the Hotel Grande Bretagne, Athens.
                                                                                                              Directed by Thodoris Papadoulakis and
                                                                                                              produced by Indigo View, the captivating
                                                                                                              film commemorates the 150th anniversary
                                                                                                              of  the  Hotel  with  a  rich  tapestry  of
                                                                                                              narratives and insights. The screening
                                                                                                              took place at Pallas Theater in Athens, on
                                                                                            Tuesday 9 April, the day of the Hotel’s actual birthday. It was
                                                                                            exactly 150 years ago, on 9 April 1874, when entrepreneurs Savvas
                                                                                            Kentros and Efstathios Lampsas co-signed the official agreement
                                                                                            to jointly run the establishment.
                                                                                            Olga Kefalogianni, Minister of Tourism, praised Hotel Grande
                                                                                            Bretagne as a symbol of refined hospitality and a cornerstone of
                                                                                            Athens’ identity. Chloe Laskaridis, President of LAMPSA Hellenic
                                                                                            Hotels S.A., emphasized the hotel’s deep connection to Greece’s
                                                                                            history and expressed gratitude for the collaborative effort behind
                                                                                            the documentary.
                                                                                            Narrated by Pavlos Tsimas, who was also the film’s chief editor, and
                                                                                            featuring music composed by Minos Matsas ,the film intertwined
                                                                                            interviews with key personalities, such as Dr. Angelos F. Vlachos,
                                                                                            Author of the book “The Hotel Grande Bretagne in Athens”, the
                                                                                            Former CEO & Former VP of LAMPSA Hellenic Hotels S.A. and
                                                                                            great-grandson of entrepreneur Efstathios Lampsas, Apostolos
                                                                                            Doxiadis, the journalist and writer Nikos Vatopoulos, Queen
                                                                                            Anne-Marie of Greece, Former Queen of the Hellenes Princess of
                                                                                            Denmark, Kostas Kostis, Professor at the Department of Economics
                                                                                            of the University of Athens, the Shipowner & Principal Shareholder
                                                                                            of LAMPSA Hellenic Hotels S.A. Athanasios Laskaridis and the
                                                                                            President of the Board of Directors of LAMPSA Hellenic Hotels
                                                                                            S.A., Chloe Laskaridis.                                                                   ‘‘THE HOTEL
                                                                                            The premiere drew notable figures from politics, hospitality,                 GRANDE BRETAGNE
                                                                                            and the arts, culminating in a spectacular event at Hotel Grande
                                                                                            Bretagne featuring music, dance performances, and a gastronomic                      IS A CONSTANT
                                                                                            feast curated by Executive Chef Asterios Koustoudis.                               OF BEAUTY AND
                                                                                            The  documentary  will  soon  be  broadcast  by  the  Hellenic
                                                                                            Broadcasting Corporation - ERT, offering audiences a deeper                                   QUALITY.
                                                                                            understanding of the hotel’s enduring legacy. As part of the                   AN ICONIC SYMBOL
                                                                                            anniversary celebrations, guests staying at the hotel will have
                                                                                            the exclusive opportunity to watch the documentary on their                         OF HOSPITALITY
                                                                                            in-room TVs.
                                                                                            The creation and screening of the documentary were integral to the                     IN THE GREEK
                                                                                            hotel’s ongoing 150th-anniversary celebrations, titled “150 Years                        CAPITAL. AN
                                                                                            Hotel Grande Bretagne: Always Grand.” The event underscored
                                                                                            the hotel’s commitment to excellence and its role as a cultural                             ATHENIAN
                                                                                            institution.                                                                      «ARK» OF HAUTE
                                                                                            In conclusion, the premiere of “150 Years Hotel Grande Bretagne:
                               A TIMELESS EMBLEM                                            Hosting History” was a testament to the hotel’s timeless elegance   PANOULIS PHOTOGRAPHY  AESTHETICS.’’
                         Highlights from the premiere of the documentary                    and enduring significance in the heart of Athens. As it continues                      Olga Kefalogianni,                             A TRIBUTE TO THE HOTEL GRANDE BRETAGNE, ATHENS
                “150 Years Hotel Grande Bretagne: Hosting History” with exclusive coverage   to write new chapters in its storied history, Hotel Grande Bretagne                                               President of the Board of Directors of LAMPSA Hellenic Hotels S.A., Chloe Laskaridis (middle), Shipowner & Principal Shareholder of LAMPSA
                     of the Hotel’s backstage operations throughout the decades.            remains a beacon of hospitality, luxury, and heritage.                              Minister of Tourism              Hellenic Hotels S.A. Athanasios Laskaridis and Evi Lazou-Laskaridis, Chairman of the Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation.

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