Page 88 - ATHENS RIVIERA 2024
P. 88


                                                                                                        ISLAND HOPPING

                                                                                                     FREEDOM - EXPLORE

                                                                                                        THE BOUNDLESS

                                                                                                            BEAUTY AND

                                                                                                   UNCHARTED SERENITY

                                                                                                     OF THE GREEK ISLES

                                                                                                        WITH EVERY SAIL.

            lifestyle. Continue to Aponisos Beach, a secluded par-  As you approach its shores, you’ll be captivated by   AEGINA:
            adise with turquoise waters and a serene atmosphere,   the majestic landscapes, whitewashed villages, and   THE ENCHANTING
            perfect for a leisurely afternoon. Enjoy a delightful lunch   ancient ruins. Dock at the picturesque port and wan-  NEIGHBOR
            at Aponissos tavern, surrounded by natural beauty.  der through the charming town, where you can savor   Discover majestic landscapes,
            Next, set sail to Spetses, an island famed for its unique   local cuisine or rent a bike to explore further. Aegina’s   whitewashed villages, and crystal-
            aromas and timeless elegance. Glide through the crys-  beautiful beaches, pristine waters, and quaint villages   clear waters, all while savoring the
            tal-clear waters of the Saronic Gulf, admiring the charm-  create a perfect setting for relaxation and discovery.   world famous pistachios.
            ing neoclassical mansions along the coastline. Explore   Don’t miss the famous pistachios of Aegina, consid-
            the vibrant atmosphere of Spetses, wandering its cob-  ered the best in the world. Visit Perdika Beach for its
            blestone streets and discovering hidden treasures. Visit   rocky coastline ideal for snorkeling and diving, or the
            historic landmarks like the Poseidonion Grand Hotel   secluded Klima Beach, accessible only by boat or hik-
            and Bouboulina’s Mansion. Enjoy water sports or re-  ing, offering sparkling waters and a peaceful atmos-
            lax on deck, soaking in the beauty of the Aegean Sea.   phere. Moni Island, inhabited only by peacocks and
            Spetses promises a journey into natural beauty, luxury,   deer, is perfect for hiking through pine forests and
            and sophistication.                           enjoying unspoiled beaches. 
            Conclude your serene journey with a visit to Aegina,   For more information, visit:
            the closest and most enchanting island near Athens.

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