Page 99 - ATHENS RIVIERA 2024
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 ATHENS RIVIERA JOURNAL                                                                                                   Although it takes up just 0.03% of the
 escape                                                                                                                  globe, the Central American country is
                                                                                                                         home to 6% of the planet’s biodiversity,
                                                                                                                           from birds of paradise to striking
 P  ura vida.” Pure life. The   humidity which creates a very wet fog, like walking   SHUTTERSTOCK                          Spanish colonial architecture.
                                                                                                                         plants in scenery filled with waterfalls,
                                                                                                                          forests and National Parks. Top, the
                                                                                                                          Arenal volcano. Bottom, middle, the
                                                                                                                         capital, San Jose featuring elements of

 inside a cloud. It is a must-visit, but bring a water-
 country of five million
 proof long-sleeved jacket. It will also help avoid
 that has protected tropical
 mosquitos, ticks and fleas.
 forest covering one-fourth
 of its area calls itself “rich
 Taking inspiration from the residents’ lifestyle,
 coast” – Costa Rica – and
 advocates a way of life that
 experiences, direct contact with nature, in full co-
 leaves a lasting impression
 operation – including international hospitality
 brands – “green” regulations, legislation and sus-
 on every visitor. Colorful, joyful, vibrant, the scenery   the hospitality industry is opening up to wellness
 sometimes welcomes visitors into tranquility and   tainability initiatives are implemented throughout,
 sometimes inspires awe with its diversity and wild   such as visitor education, carbon offsetting, water
 beauty. Against this backdrop live five million resi-  recycling, and the Certification for Sustainable
 dents, with three million travelers visiting each year.  Tourism. Among the finest accommodation op-
 tions are the Asclepios Wellness & Healing Retreat,
 pure life  centered around wellbeing and natural volcanic
 Ask anyone who has attempted to convey the deep-  springs, the Four Seasons Costa Rica, which pro-
 er meaning of “pura vida” in words, and they will   vides world-leading hospitality, and the Hotel El
 say they cannot do it precisely. Yes, it has to do with   Silencio del Campo, with its unique architecture
 living in the now. Close to nature. Opening up, co-  and views of the Arenal volcano.
 existing, being in touch with your inner desires. And
 yet, these definitions are not enough and could never   visitor tips
 be, these people would reply, if your bare feet have   For those planning to visit Coast Rica for the first
 not touched the soil of this blessed country, if you   time, the more experienced elucidate that there are,
 have not smelled the canopy of its dense forests after   in essence, two and simplicity. With the public and
 the rain, and if you have not exchanged smiles with   private sectors seasons: the rainy season and the
 its people. The energy of this place is unforgettable.   dry season, with the latter more popular but the
 former more interesting to adventure aficionados
 the celebration of nature  – and cheaper. Whichever you prefer, make sure
 Endless skies, virgin forests and dreamy shores are   you take with you a quality raincoat just in case, as
 among the more than 100 protected areas of natural   well as light long-sleeved t-shirts and long trousers
 beauty and biodiversity you can explore, as well as at   for your excursions to areas with a lot of insects.
 least 300 different beaches. As for flora and fauna,   It’s a good idea to rent a car to enjoy full freedom
 the list is huge, and the interactions with the various   of movement and because mass transportation is
 species magical. For example, butterfly lovers will   limited. If you have time (we recommend at least
 find here 10% of all the species in the world. Nature   two weeks) and want to experience a less well-known
 heals, “pura vida” seems to say. Indeed, nature has   side of the country, the east coast on the Caribbe-
 blessed Costa Rica with impossibly green, dense   an comes with the promise of quieter beaches and
 forests that host 6.5% of the planet’s biodiversity,   a culture that is even more unique. For authentic
 and stunning landscapes of almost every description.  flavors, do not miss the chance to sample casados
 Tamarindo village is a great choice for lovers of the   lunches with meat, rice, beans and banana plan-
 ocean, with its friendly beach bars and surfing fa-  tains, as well as authentic lizano sauce, olla de carne
 cilities. The capital, San Jose, combines historical   and the fantastic tamales, a local street food. Visit
 past, nightlife and excellent museums, such as the   beer microbreweries such as the Costa Rica Craft
 Children’s Discovery Museum and the exhilarat-  Brewing Company and BriBri Springs Brewery, and
 ing Tech Interactive. Arenal volcano is considered   certainly one or more coffee plantations, since the
 one of the most impressive on the globe due to   country boasts a prominent spot in the rankings
 its shape and surrounding landscape – but those   of exceptional coffee worldwide. We recommend
 who do not manage to travel all the way there have   Fuego Coffee Roasting Co in Dominical, and the
 an alternative in the Poás Volcano National Park,   Café de Monteverde coffee tour, which will reveal
 just an hour and a half from the capital. It is worth   fascinating secrets of coffee. Costa Rica is not just
 mentioning the unique phenomenon of the cloud   a magical destination. It is pure life distilled into
 forest (also called a fog-forest) at Monteverde, to   an approach to the art of hospitality that has a lot
 the northwest. It is a unique ecosystem with 100%   to teach. 

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