Page 20 - BLISS-2024
P. 20

BLISS_Kos island

                           A medley of nature and time,

                                          surrounded by sea

                                         Kos can dazzle visitors with its scent of history,
                                   enchant them with the breathtaking view of its coastline
                                    and peaks, bewitch them with the taste of its tradition.

                                                          TEXT BY MARIA P. KANTANI

                                 S     o, you have found yourself on Kos Island,   of its tradition. Omnipresent, the caress of the

                                                                       sun and the caress of the sea - both trademarks
                                       in the Aegean Sea. Congratulations are
                                       in order. This is no ordinary destination;
                                 hand on my heart, I can assure you that you   of the Greek summer. Ever-present, the song of
                                                                       the island’s thermal springs, merging with the
                                 have chosen wisely. On the diverse Greek map,   melody of Nature.
                                 among a list of island destinations that are far   If you are in for some physical and mental exercise,
                                 from humble, Kos deservedly holds its own   there are two ways to discover the island of Kos: (a)
                                 unique place.                         on foot, since the island features ideal conditions
                                 Shall I try, like a true guide, stating numbers   for hiking enthusiasts, (b) riding the bike of your
                                 first? 37.089 permanent residents, a surface   choice. Kos has been widely known as the “island
                                 area of 295.3 square kilometres and a coastline   of cycling”, and not without reason. With more
                                 of 112 kilometres. The third largest island of the   than 15 kilometres of cycle paths along the coast,
                                 Dodecanese region comes second in terms of   6,500 bikes available for hire, many mountain trails
                                 population. If islands went on trips and Kos had   and routes for all levels, cycling is the ultimate
                                 to go through passport control in the airport, that   way to see the island’s sights. The strong cycling
                                 would be the personal information the person   culture dates back to the Italian occupation and
                                 doing the check would read. And what impression   the systematic use of bicycles by Italian soldiers,
                                 would it make? Absolutely none. So it’s just as   which was subsequently adopted by the locals as
                                 well that it’s us who are on our way to make the   it seemed a good choice considering the island’s
                                 acquaintance of the islands which, blissfully still   morphology. Iconic Greek films of the 1960s
                                 and surrounded by sea, are waiting to welcome   show movie stars cycling along the Boulevard
                                 us. Just as well, because the enchanting identity   of Palms. Since then, cycling has been a popular
                                 of any land never resides or can be revealed in   activity for locals and visitors alike.
                                 numbers. Can I claim the privilege of trying to   The scent of history permeates the entire island,
                                 fit as much as I can into words?      and the town of Kos is no exception. Its architecture
                                 Allow me to invite you on a fantastic ride, to   echoes with the historical diversity, as alongside
                                 offer you a foretaste of what you will enjoy, with   the colonial-style Italian buildings there are low
                                 all senses, during your stay here. Kos can dazzle   white island houses, Muslim mosques, knights’
                                 the visitor with its scent of history (the place was   walls, apartment blocks, and restored ancient
                                 inhabited from Neolithic times; its tale begins   public buildings.
                                 all the way back from 5th-4th millennium BC),   Let’s meet in Freedom Square, the centre of
                                 enchant them with the breathtaking view of its   the modern city. Here we are surrounded by
                                 coastline and peaks, bewitch them with the taste   three huge buildings, a legacy of the Italian era

                                                                                                                                                                                  Agios Stefanos ruins in Kefalos bay. In the background, the small island of Kastri.
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