Page 26 - BLUE INK 2019
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art & SOUL

              a nEW InstItUtIon with the clearly   audio installation and digital app.” Creative duo
              defined goal to highlight, support and promote   Theodoros Zafeiropoulos and Yorgos Rimenidis
              creative expression in Greece,  and a passion   – a visual artist and an architect, respectively –
              project for bluegr CEO Gina Mamidakis, the   took inspiration from the natural, historical and
              G. &. A. Mamidakis Foundation Art Prize was   mythological prominence of the eight winds
              established to promote excellence in art and   through the ages to design a reimagined Tower
              showcase leading creative talent in the country.   of the Winds, after the marble structure found
              Currently in its inaugural year, the award saw   near the Athens Acropolis. Jointly created, the
              Greek artists submit their proposals by the end   resulting sculptural installation, which has
              of April 2019. A committee of leading figures   been installed at the Minos Beach art hotel,
              in art as well as the Foundation’s Director, Gina   incorporates a sound simulation of each of
              Mamidakis, was put together, featuring experts   the eight winds of the Mediterranean, which
              such as art historian Sotiris Bahtsetzis, who   have powered the sails of ships, inspired the
              serves as artistic director of the Foundation,   imagination of Greeks and sculpted the land
              and academics from the Higher School of   through the ages. Fully interactive, the two
              Fine Arts, the University of Thessaly and the   artists’ columns are activated when a visitor
              National Technical University of Athens.   approaches, giving off the corresponding wind
              Presented to the public in July, as part of   sound, which is also available to all guests
              blueFest Crete 2019, the winning project has   to download as a ringtone. In further tribute
              come to life at the open-air gallery of the Minos   to tradition, these soundscapes are digitally
              Beach art hotel, with its creators enjoying   processed recordings of traditional music   Top: Minos Beach art hotel, the
              artists-in-residence status.         from eight different parts of the world. The   site of the winners’ installation.
              An inspired, ambitious project titled "Come   work is presented as part of the Art on Blue   Above: Yorgos Rimenidis and
                                                                                           Theodoros Zafeiropoulos
              with the Wind" (2019) was selected for its   series of exhibitions organized by the G. &. A.   collaborated on "Come with the
              “especially intelligent combination of sculpture   Mamidakis Foundation and curated by the art   Wind," winning the Art Prize with
              and new media, implemented as a sculpture/  historian Sotirios Bahtsetzis.        their proposal.

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