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A day at Domes Noruz Chania, Autograph Collection is nothing but extraordinary,
where every single detail has been conceived to provide bliss.
DOMES NORUZ Chania, Autograph Collec- classic perfectly concocted cocktail. Alternative-
tion - as its name suggests - represents a ha- ly, let our bartenders prepare your very own sig-
ven of rebirth for the mind and senses. Locat- nature drink – just let him know what your fa-
ed on one of western Crete's most fascinating vourite flavours are and he will do the rest, then
locations, this is a property that lends itself ul- just sit back and sigh at the beauty of the sun-
timately to lavish luxurious leisure within an set as it spreads across the sky, with a chilled,
environment that perfectly fits the surround- perfectly balanced cocktail in your hand.
ing landscape. Imposing yet serene, a sense Fine dining, captivating surroundings and the soft
of openness abounds in every detail, from the summer breeze wafting through the air combine
9 metre reception hall dome, the 2 swimming to make for the perfect dining experience and the
pool areas to its sandy beach. end to a day that has been conceived to provide
This is a place where everything seems to be immunity-boosting, mood-enhancing moments.
extraordinary, where every morning seems like Feeling pleasantly balanced and rested after a per-
a new beginning, away from the rhythms of fect day, another perfect night’s sleep awaits….
everyday life, where after a great night’s sleep,
days can begin with a 60’ session of spiritual- EXPERIENCE CRETAN
ly uplifting yoga accompanied by the sun ris- FOOD AND WINE Enjoy sunsets? digenous as well we international grape varieties. able multilingual tour guides bring the sites to
ing behind a long stretch of sand and the clear Renowned for its flavourful produce and rich cu- Dancing? Beer? Alongside the winery tours and wine-tasting, you life through historical accounts, interesting facts
waters of the sea. linary traditions, Crete offers a cornucopia of op- Beach life? can also choose to sample other local specialties and fun anecdotes.
It’s time for breakfast, prepared by our chef at portunities to explore and savour the flavours, including olive oil, Cretan cheese and local beer.
his open kitchen counter, where he will con- aromas and vintages of this iconic Mediterra- If your answer EXPLORE THE ISLAND’S
coct a delicious nutrition packed breakfast using nean destination. is "yes" to COOK LIKE A LOCAL TRADITIONAL VILLAGES
sustainable and locally grown raw foods such TAKE A CULINARY JOURNEY THROUGH THE some of the Join friendly local cooks and bakers and learn Witness the quaint beauty, vibrant traditions and
as oatmeal, quinoa, seeds, fibers and grains, to CRETAN HEARTLAND above, these how to prepare your favourite Greek and Cretan breathtaking nature of Crete’s traditional villag-
perfectly complement that yoga session. Experience the Mediterranean diet, right here in dishes -from local specialties to well-known sta- es. With dozens of picturesque villages dotting
After that, the choices are limitless: Spend the its birthplace, with a selection of food tours that experiences are ples- using farm-fresh produce and superb local the countryside around Chania, you can choose
rest of the morning on one of our outdoor sun take you on a journey through the mountains and for you. ingredients. The classes take place at fantastically based on your specific interests, including scen-
beds, relax at the beachfront swimming pool villages of Crete. You’ll meet artisan producers authentic locations, including wineries and farm ery and photo ops, natural attractions, local crafts
or enter the over-indulgent world of our Spa to and traditional farmers, learn about the island’s kitchens, and come in a range of options for om- and culture, and history.
surrender to the experienced hands of our El- time-honoured culinary traditions, and sample a nivores, vegetarians and vegans. Fun, versatile,
emis trained spa therapists where you can sip selection of field-fresh produce and authentic lo- and great for the whole family! TRACE THE FRONTLINES
on infused water with a tasteful blend of local cal dishes, prepared with soul, love and real lo- OF THE BATTLE OF CRETE
fruits, herbs and spices or a cold glass of Cre- cal know-how, just as they have been for thou- TAKE A WALK THROUGH TIME Perfect for modern-history buffs, this tour focuses
tan tea, prepared by our mixologist in consul- sands of years. There is more Guided walking tours are a fantastic way to expe- on the WWII Battle of Crete, codename: Operation
than one way
tation with an indigenous botanist. Wellness DRINK IN THE ART OF CRETAN VITICULTURE to travel. Be rience new places -and even rediscover places Mercury. Learn about the first mainly airborne in-
flows from every sip with local flavours from Crete might now be known for its wine… but it it by boat, you’ve visited before! Wandering through the Old vasion in military history, trace the course of the
flavors or
the land of Crete, such as local honey, freshly- should be! Discover the island’s millennia-long meditation by City of Chania, you’ll explore picturesque neigh- Axis invasion and the Allied and civilian resistance,
the sea, Domes
cut belladonna, lavender, citrus, mint, water- viticulture tradition and visit your choice of some Noruz Chania, bourhoods, visit iconic landmarks, and discov- visit or view key sites and locations, browse dedi-
melon and basil. of the island’s best wineries to sample a selection Autograph er the fascinating stories and secrets hidden in cated exhibitions, and find out how this Mediterra-
Collection will
As the sun sets, join us at the Raw Bar for a of wonderful wines made from the island’s in- take you away. the city’s nooks and crannies, as knowledge- nean island helped change the course of history.
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