Page 87 - DOMES_STORIES_2021
P. 87

EXPLORE / CRETE                                           P U    B  L  I

 This Industrial Era landmark is up-and-coming, already offering excellent
 eateries and spots to relax and take beautiful pictures.

 REPRESENTING AN INTEGRAL PART of the   tiled roofs, they were arranged one next to the
 history of the city of Chania, the Tabakaria di-  other with very small narrow passageways in be-
 strict extends east from the coastal part of Vivila-  tween that led down to the sea. In the 1950s,
 ki Street to the area of Agia Kyriaki, just a leisure-  over 80 tanneries were still in operation; today,
 ly drive from Domes Noruz Chania, Autograph   it’s only six.
 Collection and Domes Zeen Chania, a Luxury   Yet, this unique architectural gem can still be
 Collection Resort, Crete.  visited today, giving a distinct allure to the area
 It is a very atmospheric neighborhood; an ar-  and providing an up-and-coming backdrop to
 chitectural monument of the industrial age lo-  tavernas, bars and cafes that have started pop-
 ca-ted in the rocky part of Chania which dates   ping up nearby.
 back to the early 19th century, back when   After a short leisurely fifteen-minute walk from
 Egyptians ruled Crete. Used as tanneries con-  Chania’s Venetian harbor, you’ll find yourself in a
 structed for the purposes of processing leath-  markedly different place; a place that was once
 er, its buildings were mostly erected between   a hive of industrial activity with its own very in-
 1830 and 1840; the reason for their location   dividual architecture that took advantage of the
 being their proximity to Chania and the abun-  terrain. Once almost desolate, it is slowly but
 dant groundwater, brackish water, and shal-  surely coming back to life to become one of the
 low sea, which was useful for the first stage   city’s dozens of attractions. Charming fish and
 of leather processing.   seafood restaurants have set up shop along the   TABAKARIA- CHANIA
 The buildings themselves were built to fol-  water to take advantage of the cinematic back-
 low the natural inclinations of the land, with a   drop of this district with its almost otherworldly   Thalassino Ageri
 ground floor entrance at street level and two to   beauty visited and frequented by locals and in-
 three floors facing the sea. Featuring stone and   the-know visitors alike.
               At a picturesque, up-and-coming Tabakaria hides a secret   fish soup, grilled cuttlefish, octopus, lobster spaghetti and much
            known to lovers of good food. Thalassino Ageri is your ticket to the   more, accompanied by fantastic wine. Definitely worth a visit, this
            quintessential Greek seafood taverna experience. Sitting at a charm-  taverna is open daily from 19:30 until late, from late March to late
            ing table at the edge of the surf, you can enjoy dish upon dish of ut-  October. Just don’t be surprised when the treasures of the sea take
            terly fresh seafood that’s beautifully prepared – including calamari,   your attention away from the cinematic location!

 Scenic and with
 an unmistakable
 air of times
 gone by, the                                  35 Vivilaki str, Tabakaria, Halepa – Chania
 Tabakaria                                 Tel. +30 28210 51136 - 56672 | mob. +30 6947 939146
 neighborhood is
 worth a visit.                                    Email:

                                                  For reservations, please only contact by phone at
 86                                                 +30 2821051136 and +30 6947939146
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