Page 99 - DOMES_STORIES_2021
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 Discover what fuels this international jewellery designer’s
 creativity whose intricate beautiful designs can be found at
 Domes Resorts & Reserves.

 KATERINA MAKRIYANNI’S  sen to live in, the city that I love.    What are your favorite plac-
 love for the applied arts and  It inspires me every day and of-  es in Crete that you would rec-
 her family’s legacy in the field  fers me a quality of life that I be-  ommend visitors see?
 of jewellery design and produc-  lieve is reflected in each of my   Crete hides so many trea-
 tion led her to pursue specialized   collections. I always look at the  sures - even the locals don’t
 courses in design and engrav-  colours that are abundant in the  know about them – and they
 ing at the L’ Arti Orafe Universi-  nature that you find in Chania  all provide unique moments of
 ty in Florence. Since her debut  such as the intense greens with  relaxation, tranquility and priva-
 at Paris Fashion Week  in col-  the amazing purple of thyme as  cy. So beyond its famous sights
 laboration with Maria Kastani as   inspiration. Cretan folk art pro-  such as Elafonissi, Balos, the
 global brand ambassador, her   vides an inexhaustible source  Preveli Monastery, Kedrodasos
 unique pieces can be found on   of ideas as well as life in Cha-  etc., I would suggest the South
 Net-a-Porter, Matches Fashion,   nia itself - through its simplicity.  of Crete, where you will discov-  The red lace   Your creations are charac-  Is there a piece of jewelry
 Lane Crawford, Browns Fashion   Domes Resorts & Reserves  er pristine beaches which you   fan earrings   terized by a strong theatrical   (from any one of the museums
 in London, Boutique1 in UAE,  harmoniously combine local  can reach either by boat or on   element that originates from   on the island, preferably) that
 On Pedder in Asia, Jill Wolf Jew-  tradition with a relaxed, bohe-  foot as well as picturesque vil-  are inspired   your studies as well as Italian   you admire which you would
 elry in Switzerland as well as  mian luxury stay and experi-  lages that reflect the wildness of   by Cretan folk   influences. What reactions do   have loved to have designed
 Domes Resorts & Reserves. In-  ence. What piece from your  the Cretan landscape.  embroidery;   you receive from visitors from   yourself?
 ternationally acclaimed for her  jewellery collections should   What are the signature el-  they reflect  abroad to these types of pieces?    The ring that once belonged
 designs and craftsmanship, with   guests at our resort definitely  ements in your summer col-  They’re really popular every-  to King Minos in the amazing
 her creations having been fea-  look out for?   lection?   the ambience of   where! In particular, visitors   Heraklion archaeological muse-
 tured in magazines all around   The red lace fan earrings that   As is the case with each of   Domes Resorts  from abroad love the color and   um. It is unparalleled in terms of
 the world, we caught up with  that they can purchase from  my collections, for my Summer   & Reserves,   intensity of the jewelry. They   its aesthetics and technical per-
 Katerina to discuss her jewel-  Domes Resorts & Reserves.  2021 collection I wanted to in-  namely   want to stand out and wear spe-  fection. It’s made of pure gold, a
 lery and love of Crete.  Their design is inspired by Cre-  clude my 2 great loves - the co-  simplicity,  cial pieces. Visitors who buy my   material I absolutely adore and
 Can you describe the connec-  tan folk embroidery; they com-  lour gold and other intense col-  jewellery tend to know about   features original engraved de-
 tion between Chania and the  bine Cretan art with the bohemi-  ors – this time in a different way.   relaxation and   my brand already – they are the   signs depicting Cretan nature
 pieces that you create which  an character of my red silk fan  So I created colorful silk beads   luxury.  type of person who wants to   and is exceptional detailed. It
 have been featured on the cov-  which is one of my characteristic  in various shapes that are em-  know about the designer be-  is one of my favorite designs
 ers of magazines around the  designs. These earrings reflect  braced by ornate bronze ele-  Internationally   hind the pieces themselves.   because it is such a statement
 world?   the ambience of Domes Resorts   ments. The result is impressive-  jewellery   They have a very high appre-  piece whilst being so simple at
 Chania is the city I grew up  & Reserves, namely simplicity,  ly colored jewelry that is perfect   Katerina   ciation for the design process it-  the same time, which makes
 in; it’s the city that I have cho-  relaxation and luxury.   for the summer months.   Makriyianni,   self, craftsmanship and creativ-  it classic and definitely unfor-
 creator of KM
 jewelry.                                 ity in general.            gettable.

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