Page 85 - DOMES 2022
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 DOMES AULUS ELOUNDA                                                                                   shimmering
 Slow paced luxury

 Domes Aul  s Elounda with its awe-inspiring views,
 premium accommodations and overwhelmingly

 luxurious vibe provides an all-inclusive vacation
 experience conceived with luxury seeking

 wanderlusts in mind.

 TRULY STYLISH LIVING  the epitome of luxury. With a choice of
 Comprised of the Nests and open-plan   outdoor Jacuzzi, and shared or individ-
 Suites, and Cool Living Selection cat-  ual infinity pools, the Cool Living Se-
 egories, the resort’s accommodations   lection’s sublime choice of accommo-
 encapsulate island-inspired elegance.   dations  ups  the  ante  with  additional
 The Nests and open plan Suites, with   services  such  as  dedicated  CLS  man-
 their soft, neutral colour schemes, sub-  agers, 24/7 concierge services, and ac-
 lime interior design and expansive out-  cess to the Cool Living Club for travelers
 door areas, offer inspirational living for   seeking a truly VIP elite vacation expe-
 guests seeking to combine Nature with   rience.

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