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34  EXPLORE / CRETE  CHANIA  CHANIA                      EXPLORE / CRETE                                             35




 The vibrant, cosmopolitan destination of Chania offers visitors some of the most   1295607103.jpg
 authentic and fulfilling experiences in Greece that are sure to be cherished forever.


 CINEMATIC BEAUTY   define the border between the   Byzantine era is also highly visi-
 two, with the old town consist-  ble, evident in Chania’s frescoed
 With a history spanning over   ing of five districts surrounding   chapels and churches. Walking
 four millennia, the stunning city   the Venetian port.   through the old town is a fa-
 of Chania is one of the oldest   Vestiges of the city’s past can   scinating experience, To name
 settlements in the world, which   be seen in its dozens of Vene-  just a few of the most impor-
 has blossomed into a cosmo-  tian and Ottoman buildings   tant attractions, there’s the pic-
 politan bucket-list entry that's   and architectural details, with   turesque Venetian port whose
 celebrated as an alternative   mosques, Turkish bathhous-  16th century lighthouse, sea-
 to jet-set favorites Ibiza and   es and beautiful mansions giv-  walls and buildings have fea-
 Mykonos. Once Crete’s capi-  en a new lease of life by ongo-  tured in many films, Firka For-
 tal (from 1898 to 1971) and   ing restoration works. Some of   tress, Giali Tzami, the highly
 hands down the island’s most   the city’s old townhouses have   interesting Maritime Museum
 evocative urban area, Chania is   been transformed into atmo-  and Grand Arsenal, the old
 split into the old and new city   spheric restaurants and bou-  Venetian shipyard which now   547490128.jpg
 by ancient Venetian walls that   tique hotels. Meanwhile, the   houses the Centre of Mediterra-

 Left: Snapping
 a shot at the
 lighthouse, at
 the entrance
 to the town's
 Right page,                     715377034.jpg
 from top: Bird's
 eye view of
 the fortress of
 ancient Aptera,
 a prominent
 city-state from
 the 3rd century
 BC. Picturesque
 alleys in Chania.
 The entrance
 and interior view
 of the vibrant
 Market, where
 fresh veggies,
 fruit and more
 are the order of
 the day.

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