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48  EXPLORE / CORFU                                      EXPLORE / CORFU                                             49






 Ethereal in its beauty and a cradle of culture and knowledge,
 the Greek island of Corfu fiercely protects its traditions and customs – yet,
 it has always been open to other cultures, too.



 EVER SINCE THE 8th centu-  liness – think cypress covered   left an indelible mark on the is-  ing in the early days of modern   itage, which extends to this day.   vals and events. Today, there are
 ry BC, the island of Corfu, which   hills, traditional villages and san-  land. A walk around elegant Corfu   Greece, Corfu’s Ionian Academy,   Locals feel very strongly about   18 functioning orchestras on Cor-
 the Greeks named Kerkyra, has   dy coves embraced by cobalt-blue   Town very much reveals Venetian   the first university of the modern   music, too – and they have done   fu, with four of them operating in
 been revered throughout the ages   waters – has spurred many an   and French architectural influenc-  Corfu Town's   Greek state, and the Nobile Teatro   so for centuries. From 1840 on-  the capital. You’re very likely to run
 not only for its strategic position   army and international power to   es while, suffice to say, the island-  buildings are   di San Giacomo di Corfù, Greece’s   wards, philharmonic orchestras   into one of them spreading the
 testament to the
 in the Ionian Sea but for its phe-  want to possess and rule it, from   ers’ longstanding love for cricket is   history of the   first opera house, are indicative of   started popping up on the island,   spirit of Corfiot musical tradition
 nomenal natural beauty. Known   the Ottomans to the Venetians,   a very British affair indeed!   island. Above,   the islanders’ unwavering pride in   with musicians eager to accom-  out in the streets, while there are
 the Liston
 for its almost heartbreaking love-  the French and the British. Each   Representing a beacon of learn-  Arcade.  their intellectual and artistic her-  pany religious ceremonies, festi-  also several ticketed events you
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