P. 72
open-air agora that hosts art, of guaranteed good weather, World Spa & Wellness Awards,
events, popup stores, street food Domes of Elounda provides this is ultimately a resort that
and more. There are also on- its guests with a phenomenal has been conceived and de-
site restaurants – Tholos, Yaosai range of outdoor activities and signed with one thing in mind:
(Japanese-Peruvian fusion cui- pursuits. There is a variety of providing an unsurpassed lux-
sine), Zeen 1910 (a Greek sea- escapades for children to en- urious experience in an inspir-
food restaurant), and Blend (Ital- joy in an environment that's ing and exciting space that has,
ian fusion restaurant), as well as fascinating but safe thanks to in just over a decade, already
in-villa dining options. Undoubt- the Ofsted standards adhered amassed distinctions and ac-
edly, this property’s gastronomic to by the Kids Club, while the claim, including Greece's Luxu-
offering combines the very best selection for adults ranges ry All Suite Hotel and Europe's
in Greek and international ep- from tennis, fitness and per- Leading Family Resort from
icureanism, along with wine- sonal training through to pic- World Travel Awards, TripAd-
tasting evenings and a range nic getaways and boat trips. visor Certificates of Excellence,
of incredible bars dotted around Combined with a spa which and Greece's Luxury Villa Re-
the resort. was named Best Resort Spa in sort at World Luxury Hotel
Blessed with seven months Eastern Europe for 2019 at the Awards.
Above: Domed ceilings, lush textiles and inspired accents at the Domes of Elounda.
Left: On the sleek deck or the luxurious beach loungers, each and every spot provides awe-inspiring views for days.
Seamlessly fitting in the breathtaking Cretan landscape, Domes of Elounda shows
its character and attention to detail around every corner.