Page 101 - EMPIRIA 2024
P. 101


                           THE ETHOS OF HARMONY               breathtaking landscape, and help you reach inner
                 When it comes to the pursuit of wellness, the sleek yet   bliss. Immerse yourself into a mindful exploration,
                 organic Elios Spa promises potent renewal, beauty   nourish yourself from the inside out and reconnect to
                 and relaxation treatments, from the Santorini Lava   the source of wellbeing. Join us and greet the sunrise
                 Touch to the Elios Sunlight Signature Journey, which   with a memorable yoga session that will give you a full
                 uses traditional natural ingredients. Experienced   physical and emotional overhaul while looking out at
                 yoga instructors will align your energy to that of the   the deep blue of the Aegean sea. •

                 The pure, raw beauty of Istoria lends itself

                 gracefully to its     wellness concept.

 Mr. E. Restaurant translates the island’s culture into
 recipes perfectly sitting on a bed of volcanic, pebbly   The distinctive volcanic soil of
 black sand that vibrates with the mystical energy of the   Santorini evokes a new challenge for
 island. Combining local produce and respect to tradition   Kioroglou's  “Medite-grecian” cuisine.
 with the minimal, freestyle gastronomic approach of the
 fascinating acclaimed chef Yiannis Kioroglou, every dish   creations. I believe this is crucial, as we have repeat
 tells a tale. Just one bite, and you can feel the story of   guests returning year after year, sometimes even making
 its ingredients, the story of the hands that picked the   specific dish requests when they book in advance during
 vegetables, the story of the freshly caught fish, and of   the winter. They seek to relive the experience once more.
 the hands that prepared the food.  How would you describe the journey of your creativity
 Passionate about Mediterranean cuisine, celebrated   as a chef during your collaboration with Empiria Group?
 Chef Yiannis Kioroglou is the creative force behind Mr. E.  It's been a delightful journey. All my creativity stems from
 Santorini's local market and my own culinary philosophy,
 How did you feel when you first stepped into the   Medite-grecian cuisine, which embodies Mediterranean-
 kitchen of Istoria?  Greek flavors.
 Istoria is a fantastic hotel, beautifully designed with a   Complete the sentence: "I would return to Santorini…
 stunning kitchen. Despite finding its facilities ready, I was   …because obviously it's a breathtaking island that attracts
 captivated by its unique Santorinian ambiance. Having   millions of tourists from around the world each year.
 worked with Empiria Group in Paros as well, all the fond   But actually I would return to Santorini for that magical
 memories, coupled with Santorini's positive and vibrant   moment at the end of the day, after serving breakfast,
 spirit, brought me immense joy.  lunch, afternoon, and dinner, where I can sit at the
 What is the greatest satisfaction you've received from   doorstep of Istoria with a glass of wine in hand, gazing
 guests at Mr. E?  at the Aegean Sea, watching people come and go. The
 Our guests entrust us with their dining experiences,   entrance of Istoria holds something enchanting, with the
 embracing the love and passion we pour into our culinary   waves crashing just 20 meters away…

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