Page 157 - EMPIRIA 2024
P. 157


 Tapping on
 Greekness,     CELEBRATING THE ART OF BEING PRESENT IN       to sustainability, zero-waste treatments, and original
 Feskos’               BOTH THE HERE AND THE NOW              preservation techniques.
 recipes      At Parīlio,the culinary experience is led by two Michelin-  This is, after all, the distinct ethos of Thanos Feskos,
 his love for   starred chef Thanos Feskos, emphasizing zero waste,   the chef at the helm of Par�n. Twice awarded with two
 comfort food,   sustainability, and local, seasonal ingredients.   Michelin stars, he is a distinguished name in the field of
 in a sensorial   Start your day with a revitalizing breakfast at Mr. E, offering   experimental gastronomy, having also received a Michelin
 through the   hearty comfort food, vegan, and healthy options. This serene   Green star, an honor awarded only to practices with strong
 memories of   setting perfectly embodies the tranquil flow of Cycladic life,   sustainable commitments. Feskos honed his craft in artful
 his childhood   with a minimalist atmosphere ideal for a relaxing morning.   kitchens from Copenhagen to Athens, before bringing his
              Here, everyone is greeted to the table, where every dish is   talent and vision to Par�n.
              meant to be shared, all the while respecting seasonality,   At the center of the table, he serves a passion for true
              the locality of the produce, richness in flavor and simplicity   sustainability, one that focuses on recycling the ingredients
              in implementation.                              in his kitchen in order to perfect his mission for zero-waste,
              Adjacent to the pool, Circe Bar features wellness-inspired   and endlessly reinventing his preservation techniques,
              low-proof cocktails and traditional Greek drinks. Inspired by   making his mark with every new dish.
              the enchantress Circe, the bar’s natural stone and geometric   Mastering the art of salting, curing, pickling, and fermenting,
              forms create a serene environment for all-day relaxation.  his aim is to reduce carbon mileage and rely on resource
              Par�n is where the present seamlessly flows along past   efficiency, while serving excellent quality food. This is
              and future in a circular path carved by a true passion for   the approach that has brought him together with local
              sustainability. The name “Par�n” is a play between Paros   farmers and small producers, endowing Par�n with a
              island itself and the Greek word {παρόν}, meaning the   visible supply chain. His menu thus becomes a curation
              present time. Honoring the tranquil flow of Cycladic life,   of the finest gifts offered by the Aegean land and sea:
              the restaurant is nestled in the untouched natural habitat   his very own rendition of the Parian Salatouri, lobster
              of Parīlio, just next to the iconic pool, where the vibrant   from the island of Alonissos paired with traditional Parian
              summer life finds its place. The setting embodies a laid-  mirmitzeli pasta, Cycladic shrimp with hibiscus and sour
              back attitude, with a relaxed atmosphere and a minimalist   cream. Tapping on impeccable Greekness, Feskos’
              design expressed through geometric forms. Celebrating   recipes highlight his love for comfort food, in a sensorial
              the “here and now” that perfectly reflects the genuine   journey through the memories of his childhood flavors.
              carefree attitude of the island life, in Par�n every dish is   Par�n is, after all, an ode to the past, fully experiencing
              an invitation to fully immerse oneself to the moment; to   the present, mindfully looking to the future. Each and
              be present in the “paron”.                      every moment interconnected in a never-ending spiral of
              The restaurant honors this call by making the most of the   time. In the mornings, Thanos Feskos’ food philosophy
              now, as well as the here. Abiding by the values of seasonality,   takes up residence at Mr. E right next door, where he
 Parοn is, after all, an ode to the past, fully experiencing   nature’s offerings are treated in Par�n the exact moment   serves a powerful, energized breakfast menu featuring
              they are in season. A focus on locality respects the wise
                                                              everything from hearty comfort food to vegan and super
 the present,       mindfully looking to the future.  selections of mother earth, our home. Safeguarding the   healthy options, all abiding to the chef’s pledge to locality,
                                                              seasonality, and authenticity.
              moment, Par�n treasures the future through a commitment

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