Page 49 - EMPIRIA 2024
P. 49


              led me to "Karyatis." The only difference was that I had   architecture and geological morphology of Santorini
              full control of the images I created.           perfectly fit the concept behind this project.
              An interesting concept you brought out with the black-  "Choros: Still Life Choreography." What milestones does
              and-white portraits of the "Karyatis" series was that   this journey originating in Santorini include?
              in some parts of Greece, such as Mt. Olympus in   "Choros" is an experimental study, in its embryonic stage,
              Karpathos, women still wear traditional outfits. Did   of how music and rhythm connect with photography and
              anything else impress you while discovering customs   visual arts in general. At the same time, the trait this
              and traditions in contemporary Greece?          work examines is that of simplicity, an inherent quality of
              Truly, since my first visit to Mt. Olympus in 2016, I haven't   Greece. Therefore, the milestones are defined by where
              found anything like it, where tradition is so alive, and   the endeavour itself leads me. At this initial stage, I will
              I don't think there is. But what impresses me just as   be working on "Choros" alongside "Karyatis" during my
              much are traditions in the form of local events that have   already planned trips. As I steadily progress with this
              withstood the test of time and continue to this day, such   project, I will have a better understanding of my exact
              as the "Kotsamania" (Mummers) of the Pontians in the   destinations.
              villages of Kozani.                             Also, I would like to ask if there will be an exhibition
              You've been to many places in Greece and encountered   open to the public this summer.
              elements that held the Greek essence. In Santorini,   My next exhibition, which began in early July, will take
              what aspects did you want to bring to the surface?  place in Athens and is open to the public. A collection
                                                              from the "Karyatis" project will be included. Unfortunately,
              In Santorini, I took photos on the day of Saint Averkios
 Echoes of Greece  in October, which is all about the island’s winemaking   its exact location has not been announced yet, but it will
                                                              run until October, and most travellers to and from our
              tradition, as well as photos for "Karyatis," featuring
              local women's attire. On my most recent visit, I began   city will be able to access it. You can follow me on social
 A Visual     Symphony  experimenting with a new idea: "Choros" (Dance). The   media to learn about the venue very soon. •

              "Choros" is an experimental study    of how music
 An exclusive look into George Tatakis and his new project.
              and rhythm connect with photography and visual arts.

 “CHORΟS: Still Life Choreography” is a black-and-white
 exhibition by pianist and photographer George Tatakis that
 takes the viewer on a multisensory voyage through the defining
 aspects of Greece. Music and visual arts come together to
 tell an enthralling story of harmony and silence, simplicity
 and strength. Santorini will be the exhibition’s first stop, an
 island that embodies everything Tatakis wishes to convey.
 He tells all about what inspired this and other projects, as
 well as what drives his constant pursuit of the Greek spirit
 George Tatakis, the renowned
 Athenian monochrome lensman, is   and its perfect representations.
 celebrated in prestigious venues   Although an electrical engineer by profession, you turned
 and publications worldwide.  to photography and black-and-white portraits that capture
 tradition, history, and Greek values from different parts of                                 "Choros" takes
                                                                                              its initial breath
 the country. What attracted a young person of the digital                                    in the enchanting
 age to dedicate themselves to such a pursuit?                                                island of
 In my view, we don't choose our work. Rather, the work itself                                Santorini. Tatakis
                                                                                              captures the
 guides us towards the path we are meant for. In my case,                                     timeless elegance
 after returning from the UK, I longed for everything Greek.                                  and volcanic
 I wanted to travel across Greece and discover our customs                                    landscapes,
                                                                                              infusing each
 and traditions. As soon as I left my job as an electrical                                    photograph with
 engineer, I started my journey, photographing moments from                                   a visual harmony
 local customs. This became my first project, "Ethos," which                                  that reflects
                                                                                              the pulse of the
 appeared at the Benaki Museum. The evolution of this project                                 island.

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