Page 57 - EMPIRIA 2024
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 Hidden    Narratives

 Santorini captivates

 with the inaugural Biennale
 of Contemporary Keramics:

 Empiria Group joins

 the artistic endeavor
 as an exlusive partner and

 hospitality sponsor.
                                                                From left, and clockwise: Untold by Aylin
                                                                Önen, Blossoms of Thera by Iosifina Kosma,
                                                                CLI(T)HERA by Amyel Garnaoui.

 SANTORINI PREPARES to enthrall visitors this summer   two years. Each location will inspire a unique artistic
 with the groundbreaking 1st Biennale of Contemporary   exploration, drawing from the island's mythological and
 Keramics (BCK) 2024. Empiria Group, a proud exclusive   historical narratives.  Santorini, with its archaeological
 partner and sponsor, is thrilled to be a part of this   treasures and cultural vibrancy, sets the perfect stage
 visionary initiative.   for this inaugural event.  The Museum of Prehistoric
 BCK 2024, held under the prestigious patronage of Her   Thera, housing an extensive collection from the ancient
 Excellency the President of the Hellenic Republic, Ms.   settlement of Akrotiri, provides a powerful backdrop
 Katerina Sakellaropoulou, takes center stage at the   for the contemporary masterpieces on display.
 Museum of Prehistoric Thera from June 7th to October   Twenty exceptional artists will showcase their original
 26th. Organized by the non-profit Big Blue Dot, the   works, each piece a captivating narrative reflecting the
 biennale transforms the museum into a captivating   essence of Santorini. A series of workshops, educational
 space where contemporary ceramic masterpieces   programs, and captivating events will flourish at the
 converse with the echoes of Santorini's prehistoric past.  Santorini Art Factory (SAF). These initiatives aim to
              enrich the experience for artists, visitors, and the local
 A Catalyst for Innovation  community, while simultaneously cultivating tourism
 Drawing inspiration from the ancient Greek word   and economic development on the island.
 "κέραμος" (potter's clay), BCK 2024 aims to elevate   Empiria Group stands alongside BCK 2024, sharing its
 ceramics beyond its traditional form.  This isn't just   mission to elevate Greek ceramics on the global stage.
 about admiring exquisite objects; it's about fostering   This partnership reflects our commitment to meaningful
 innovative aesthetics, sparking scholarly exploration,   experiences that celebrate local culture and artistic
 and igniting a dynamic dialogue between artists and   expression. By forging connections between domestic
 the public.  By bridging the gap between contemporary   artistic production and the international industry,
 ceramic art and the international scene, BCK aspires   BCK will showcase the works of both established and
 to position Greece as a global leader in this artistic   GIORGOS VITSAROPOULOS  emerging artists. Santorini, celebrated worldwide for its
 tradition.   beauty, serves as the ideal inaugural venue, promising
 From top: Thirion by Ule Ewelt,
 Untold Stories - Figurines of   This visionary event is designed to be a traveling   to enhance the profile of Greek ceramics and set a
 Akrotiri by Yena Young.   celebration, gracing a different Greek island every   new benchmark for the region’s cultural events. •

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