P. 159
the art of living MYCONIAN COLLECTION MAG • 220 x 280 mm • PP • DJOKO ON COURT • Parution : 23mai • Remise : 10 MAI • THY • BAT
A and English descent, a Lebanese N
citizenship and 18 year of life and
work in the city of lights. This
rich heritage provided Galal
extends to contrasting cultures
rchitectural Digest rated him Mahmoud with a broad reach that
and civilizations, informed by
amongst Arabia's Top 50 talents a sensitivity towards different
in Architecture & Interior Design. lifestyles and environments. «When
Galal Mahmoud, architect of I travel to a new destination I am
the Myconian Ambassador constantly listening and reading
and the Naia, Kyma and Korali the world around me. My concept
Hotels, dissolved a successful of “well-being” is designing with
partnership in Paris to establish the geographical, historical and
the GMA practice in native Beirut cultural environment of each
in 1996. “I am a passionate and project in mind, and reworking
deeply rooted Mediterranean. A it into a modern style».
profound aesthete who bridges His signature style is a great
the inspirations drawn from sense of space without being
everything that relates to the formulaic. «I am definitively a
context, from art, architecture and modernist but a modernist with
design, to cinema and fashion». a soul», he explains, believing
His background is as multi- in a humanistic architecture
cultural as they come: of Egyptian which speaks from the heart
Galal Mahmoud, the architect of the Myconian Ambassador and Naia, Kyma and
Korali Hotels. For Galal’s renovation work, the inspiration came from the various
colours of the sea, the cycladic minimalism, as well as the Mycenaean architecture
and the imposing natural surroundings.
Galal and strives to enhance the joy of
living. The renowned architect
Mahmoud first met Vangelis Daktylides
in the 80’s, while staying in a
house close to the newly built
Ambassador hotel. Later, as a
A modernist with a soul, hotel guest, they became more
the renowned architect closely acquainted and formed
an enduring friendship. “He RENÉ LACOSTE
Galal Mahmoud has really made us feel at home at
created a true escapism all times”. One August a couple
experience, immersing of years ago, they met for a
morning espresso that turned into
guests in the best of Greek numerous coffees and eventually
Mediterranean lifestyle. segued to gin & tonics, as they
spontaneously decided on a
by Ioanna Alexatou complete refurbishment of the
LACO_1705091_Djoko_OnCourt_220x280_Myconian.indd 1 10/05/2017 14:20