P. 87

discover|the mykonians

 The freedoM of WoveN faBric
 Ingeniously fashion-forward despite being inspired by history and folk tradition, Faye Chatzi’s clothes and accessories are a profession of her love for the loom.


 Weaver Designer

 ABoUt ten yeArs Ago, Faye chatzi got her hands on   that embrace clean, chic lines. they are also eco-friendly, with
 a traditionally woven wool scarf. “i didn’t know what a loom   her “Kyma” resortwear collection, named after the word for
 was or what it did”. yet, she was transfixed, and local women   “wave”, recently released. “i had to start from the raw material
 rushed to her support. A member of the Mykonos Women’s   in order to feel the freedom of woven fabric – to dive in head-
 Association heard about her new-found interest and gave   first without a care in the world”. Faye immerses herself in
 Faye her own loom. getting rid of furniture without second   the creative process. “i went to work at the delos Museum.
 thought, Faye installed it her house. it was early days for a   i’ll go to nature, to museums, to find inspiration”. completely
 journey that led to working as a weaver and designer, creating   handmade at every step of the process, every piece takes
 with clear reference to cyclades culture. she is there from the   meticulous attention to detail and days of work, which Faye
 start – when sheep are washed, trimmed… she spins the wool   seems to revel in. After all, her coveted clothes and accessories
 into yarn and weaves on her loom. Her ethos calls for entirely   are her love songs to the art of the loom.
 handmade garments with a clear nod to greek craftsmanship

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