P. 61
discover|sacred island
“When the Ancient
Greeks built
Delos, it was from
Mykonos that they
took the materials.
And conversely,
when Delos
collapsed, the
Mykonians took
these materials
back again to build
and fortify their
own houses!”
– Dr Dimitris
a free port; a move which contributed to its rapid economic ascent. The House of Dolphins, The House of Masks, The House of the
Merchants, bankers and shipowners from all of the known world settled Trident, The House of Dionysus and The House of Cleopatra) with CAR WILL
there, attracting a large number of masons, craftsmen and sculptors. colonnades and unique mosaics. And if the squares and narrow
It was a large city with public buildings such as the Bouleuterion streets of this 2nd century BC city have the same ambience as those
(Assembly House), the Prytaneion and the Ekklesiasterion, with of Mykonos Town, let us remind ourselves that in antiquity, Mykonos FORGIVE YOU
religious and merchant guilds such as the Poseidonianists of Beirut was a satellite of Delos. When the Ancient Greeks built Delos, it was
housed in buildings, squares with votive offerings from Italian guilds from Mykonos that they took the materials. And conversely, when
such as the Agora of the Competaliasts and unique houses decorated Delos collapsed, the Mykonians took these materials back again to
with murals, mosaic floors and statues. It was a transport hub for the build and fortify their own houses! What is of particular interest for
Eastern Mediterranean due to the privileges granted by the Romans the contemporary visitor is the phenomenon of universality. The fact Avis Prestige.
and encouraged an unprecedented cosmopolitanism, where all the that ‘foreigners’ from all over the world lived in Delos, that there was Exclusive rental provider of premium driving experiences.
peoples of the known world met, accumulating enormous amounts open trade with the East and the West and a vast syncretism – an ΑΡ.ΜΗΤ.Ε.: 0206E81000494100
of wealth which was invested in constructing an elaborate city with amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought WE T RY H A RD E R
winding streets, unique buildings such as the only marble theatre in – with Greek temples but also places of worship from other Eastern WWW.AVIS. GR
the Aegean as well as three-storey houses (The House of the Lake, religions such as the Temple of Isis and the Synagogue”.
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