P. 133


                                                                                              MYCONIAN AVATON

                                                                                             Italian &



 Each dish crafted by George Bakopoulos is                                                    A masterclass in delivering fine
                                                                                              dining that’s free from exaggeration
 a testament to his culinary artistry, blending                                               and pomp, Panorama Italian &
                                                                                              Mediterranean Cuisine is a Mykonos
 the finest LOCAL INGREDIENTS with                                                            restaurant that guests and locals
                                                                                              alike have come to adore. Located
                                                                                              inside the Myconian Avaton on Elia
 refined techniques honed in prestigious                                                      Beach, this eatery is a magnificent,
                                                                                              large-scale venue that aspires
 kitchens around the world.                                                                   to match – and exceed – the
                                                                                              level of excellence you expect
                                                                                              from a five-star establishment.
                                                                                              The comfortable, stylish chairs
                                                                                              and tables – including luxurious,
                                                                                              oversized red armchairs fit for
                                                                                              royalty – are accentuated by
                                                                                              impressive light fixtures and art set
                                                                                              against a rustic backdrop of stone.
                                                                                              The appetising aromas of expertly
                                                                                              prepared, inspired dishes finding
                                                                                              their way to the tables heighten
                                                                                              your anticipation. You look at the
                                                                                              menu, and the culinary genius of
                                                                                              Executive Chef George Bakopoulos
                                                                                              starts to reveal itself. Once you’ve
                                                                                              been served and the explosion
                                                                                              of flavours hits your taste buds,
                                                                                              everything is much clearer. Only
                                                                                              the finest, freshest of ingredients
                                                                                              are granted entry to Panorama’s
                                                                                              kitchen, with the experienced
                                                                                              team of Executive Chef George
                                                                                              Bakopoulos benefitting from
                                                                                              the Myconian Collection’s time-
                                                                                              honoured relationships with local
                                                                                              producers and fishermen. Some are
                                                                                              even grown by the Myconian team
                                                                                              themselves in our back gardens.
                                                                                              Then, it’s the turn of the kitchen
                                                                                              team to prepare, cook and arrange
                                                                                              them on your plate using standards
                                                                                              of culinary sophistication that are
                                                                                              unmatched on Mykonos.

                                                  Enjoying an al fresco meal under the stars, you'll find
                                                   yourself inspired to raise a glass in appreciation of
                                                   the land that provided these exquisite ingredients.
                                                     A toast is also due to Executive Chef George
                                                  Bakopoulos and his team, whose enthusiasm and skill
                                                   have brought these flavours together so beautifully.

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