P. 56
WEL COME NO TE 27,5x31cm
Great hospitality
takes off!
Dear Friends, creating an environment that not only delivers
outstanding experiences but also ensures the
Throughout the legacy of the Myconian Collection, longevity of the natural beauty that attracts our
our primary objective has always been to create a valued guests.
sanctuary where guests can embark on a journey of Faithful to those who choose the Myconian
authentic experiences. Embracing the philosophy Collection year after year, we also extend an
of what we call sophisticated luxury, we ensure that invitation to those who have yet to experience
guests feel not only welcomed but also immersed the charm that awaits them. Whether you are a
in the very essence of the magical island of returning guest or someone who has only heard
Mykonos. It is this passion and love for hospitality tales of our warm hospitality, we encourage you
that drives us to provide you with the best possible to embrace the magic infused within our walls
experience during your stay. and the authentic experiences that await you both
Our commitment to a holistic travel experience within and beyond our hotels, resorts, and villas.
goes beyond offering exceptional service. At the Myconian Collection, we have meticulously
We feel a profound responsibility towards the curated a range of experiences that allow you to
environment and believe in preserving nature's discover the hidden gems, cultural wonders, and
pristine beauty. The allure of Mykonos, with its gastronomic delights that Mykonos has to offer.
breathtaking landscapes and azure waters, lies From indulging in traditional Greek cuisine to
in its untouched charm. Therefore, we strive to exploring secluded beaches and navigating the
maintain a sustainable approach, minimizing our labyrinthine streets of Mykonos Town, we promise
carbon footprint and actively participating in an unforgettable stay that will leave you with
initiatives that aim to protect and preserve the cherished memories for years to come.
natural wonders that surround us. Together, let's make this summer a fantastic one
We take great pride in promoting eco-friendly at the Myconian Collection. We can't wait to
practices within our hotels. From energy efficient welcome you!
measures to eco-conscious waste management, we
adopt practices that reflect our respect for nature, Panos, Markos, Vangelis and Marios Daktylides