P. 73


 Harmonious Sophistication

 In the heart of the Aegean, Deos of the

 Myconian Collection rises as an exquisite

 embodiment of refined luxury and timeless
 sophistication. This masterpiece seamlessly

 weaves the island's rich heritage

 with contemporary opulence, creating an

 unparalleled haven.
           "It was not about designing                                                                            CYCLADIC ARCHITECTURE
              just another 'nice' hotel                                                                           Deos intimately follows the
                                                                                                                    landscape and enhances
                                                                                                                    its connection to nature
            on the island but creating                                                                              with accents such as the
                                                                                                                     rustic walls made from
          something unique that truly                                                                                rocks quarried on site,

 DEOS of the Myconian Collection   the shimmering Aegean Sea, and the   memorable. Translating the 'sense           and generous planting of
                                                                                                                         indigenous flora.
 stands as a testament to masterful   breathtaking sunsets.  of place' into the design of Deos   connects the visitors to the
 craftsmanship, where every element   Mahmoud's approach to guest rooms   required a profound understanding of
 coalesces to form a harmonious and   at Deos redefines luxury by fostering   Mykonos' culture, history, geography,   true essence of what has
 captivating spatial experience. Galal   a seamless inside-outside experience.   and topography. This deep knowledge,
 Mahmoud, through GM Architects, has   The rooms are generously spacious,   spearheaded by Galal Mahmoud and   captivated visitors since the
 curated a legacy of designing spaces   surpassing contemporary luxury   his team, is subtly and sometimes   birth of travel to Mykonos."
 that encapsulate the spirit and essence   standards, and offer ample areas for   subliminally woven into the project's
 of their environments. His extraordinary   sleeping, lounging, and relaxation—  design vocabulary, making the space not   Galal Mahmoud, GM Architects
 craftsmanship is exemplified in the Deos   all oriented towards stunning views.   just memorable but a destination guests
 of the Myconian Collection, where its   Large terraces extend from the rooms,   long to revisit.
 design philosophy is deeply rooted   equipped with pools, day beds, couches,   For a property as exceptional as Deos,
 in a profound personal connection   and dining areas, enhancing the fluidity   achieving the perfect balance between
 to Mykonos, a bond nurtured over 35   between indoor and outdoor living. The   master planning, architecture, and
 years. This connection transcends mere   interiors feature finishes inspired by the   interior design is crucial. Extensive
 aesthetics, aiming instead to create a   natural driftwood tones found on the   experience and the collaborative efforts
 space that resonates with the island's   seashore, creating a muted palette that   of a diverse team of planners, architects,
 true essence. The vision for Deos was   beautifully contrasts with the vibrant sea   designers, and curators ensure that every
 not just to add another luxury hotel to   and sky vistas.  aspect of the project is considered from
 Mykonos but to craft an experience that   Today's discerning travellers seek   the outset. The continuous dialogue
 immerses visitors in the island's soul.   authentic luxury, defined by meticulously   between the site, architecture, interiors,
 The design ensures that guests, no   crafted spaces that offer intimate   and planning, a process championed
 matter where they are on the property,   connections with the locale. Deos   by Mahmoud, is integral to the success
 are in constant dialogue with the   delivers this through its timeless and   of Deos, creating a venue where every
 island's most cherished elements: the   elegant design, ensuring every aspect   detail is meticulously crafted to enhance
 historic old town, the iconic windmills,   of the guest experience is genuine and   the overall experience.

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