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                day3                                                       day 4

 Poros is the ideal destination for watersports and activities such as swimming; visit the beaches at
 Mikro Neorio and Megalo Neorio, as well as the one at Limanaki tis Agapis (meaning ‘The Cove of
 Love’). Go diving in the crystal clear waters and sail through the nearby islands and off the coast of   POROS > KORFOS (~ 26 NM)  KORFOS >
 the Peloponnese. You can also explore the inland; go biking and hiking through Poros’ pinewoods.  VATHI (METHANA) (~ 14 NM)
 The island's hills are covered with pinewoods, extending seamlessly to sandy beaches. The Poros   Korfos is a small port town situated on the coast of Sofiko
 Strait, and the seaside area of Galata with its pine, olive, and lemon groves surround the picturesque   Bay, surrounded by olive groves, with its densely planted   Vathi is a small and picturesque fishing harbor on
 Poros town, where beautiful neoclassical buildings grace the seafront; it’s a place of great beauty!  slopes extending toward the sea. Nestled in a bay, sheltered   the west coast of the Methana peninsula. Methana
                 from strong winds and large waves, Korfos features a beach   offers a breathtaking volcanic landscape adorned
                 with crystal-clear waters, gradually deepening, and a sandy   with dense vegetation, coastal villages, and a rich
 day 2  NICE TO KNOW:  coastline. This idyllic setting is perfect for divers of all ages,   variety of flora and fauna.
                                                                            The peninsula is home to approximately 32 vol-
                 including younger children. Korfos truly gives the impres-
 The beauty of Poros has   sion of an island seamlessly integrated into the mainland.  canoes. Climbing to the largest crater is a truly
 been praised by popular   Korfos' coastal area is also ideal for those seeking a relax-  challenging experience. Begin your journey from
 poets and prose writers, such   ing getaway surrounded by natural beauty. Explore charm-  Kameni Hora and follow a 25-minute path to reach
 as Georgios Seferis, Ioulia
 Dragoumi and the American   ing pathways through ever green nature, providing a serene   the lip of the volcano. Step on solid red lava flows
 author Henry Miller.  escape. Discover historic gems like the Stiri and All Saints   and take in views of a different world featuring sav-
                 chapels and monasteries (dating back to the 11th – 13th    age black, red and green crags and sharp abysses.
                 century).                                                  Lastly, immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere
                                                                            of the island's volcanic beaches, including Nissaki
                                                                            Agion Anargiron, Limnionas, and Vathy.

                 NICE TO KNOW: The peninsula of Methana with its two steep volcanic slopes is actually a volcano
                 that emerged from the sea. The establishment of the spa complex in 1870 made it a popular spa town
                 attracting mainly senior citizens from many European countries.

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