Page 96 - TREASURES 2023
P. 96
of Sustainability
A keen proponent of sustainable luxury,
Stademos Hotels is committed to pursuing excellence
with a triple focus on people, profit and planet.
STADEMOS HOTELS was founded in 1989 with a suppliers are based in Cyprus. Whether it’s for Stademos Hotels takes
vision to develop, own and operate world-class contracting services, sourcing building materials pride in constantly
hotels in Cyprus—hotels that would embody or partnering with local producers to ensure a innovation and
the essence of Cypriot hospitality, offer unique steady supply of the finest and freshest local change to enhance
experiences and bespoke, personalised service, products for our restaurants, responsible sourcing the energy efficiency
of its operations and
and celebrate our island’s marvelous natural allows us to support positive change in our supply offer guests elevated
beauty and cultural heritage. Today, more than chain and create value for both our business experiences that
34 years later, this vision continues to guide our and the local economy. Our engagement with celebrate and respect
local nature and culture.
efforts to create extraordinary holidays in Cyprus. the local communities, of course, goes further,
Across all our properties and in all our efforts to engaging them as stakeholders in identifying
enhance and expand our offering, we strive not their needs and key issues that impact them and
only to excel but also to contribute to shaping also supporting the most vulnerable members
the future of truly sustainable luxury. Through a of society through donations, monetary and
constantly evolving ESG (Environmental, Social material, to shelters, charities and NGOs.
and Governance) strategy and targeted initiatives, Another key contribution to the community—
Stademos Hotels is committed to finding ways local but also global—is our work to improve
to maximise environmental efficiencies and our environmental footprint, by investing in
mitigate its footprint, empower its people and sustainable practices that enhance energy
local communities, and promote good practices efficiency and water conservation and by
in governance. promoting recycling and waste reduction at our
Our commitment to sustainability is evident properties. Our hotels are designed with eco-
throughout our operations, from our vision and friendly features that include energy efficient
strategy right down to the details and our day lighting, cooling and heating systems, smart
to day performance. Over the past years, we sensors, greywater recycling, dedicated solar
have set goals to reduce our carbon footprint, panel arrays to support energy consumption, and
energy and water consumption, phase out sophisticated waste management systems at
single-use plastics, establish a network of every level.
sustainability-minded suppliers and partners, Each decision we make to further hone our
enhance employee satisfaction and safety, ESG strategy is a conscious decision to enhance
promote DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) our connection with the environment. Every
principles and insist on fairness in the workplace, insistence on transparency and integrity sets an
and strive towards better governance. Crucially example of good practices for the industry as MAKING A
we understand that our decisions impact not well as local businesses of all kinds. Every time
only us but the present and future of our local we give back to society, we honour the core POSITIVE
communities as well: we create and sustain Cypriot values of community and responsibility
employment, social capital and opportunities for towards each other. And every step we take to ECONOMIC,
employees to gain valuable skills, we contribute enhance the energy efficiency and effectiveness SOCIAL AND
to the preservation of natural resources and of our operations is a step towards preserving the
local cultural heritage, and we create economic natural beauty and heritage of Cyprus for future ENVIRONMENTAL
value by enabling the growth of local businesses generations. And of course, this all comes back IMPACT IS
through increased access to tourism and by to our core business, allowing us to offer you, our
directly supporting local producers, suppliers guests, extraordinary holiday experiences that OUR GREATEST
and other tradespeople. are marvellously luxurious, authentically local,
We are proud to say that the majority of our and ever more sustainable. AMBITION.