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Long before Santorini became Lauda delivers
the destination it is recognised on combining
as today, Oia was merely a small an authentic
L AU D A R E S TAU R A N T village with 306 inhabitants, experience with
S le e k & c l a s si c located on the northern edge of one of the best
views in the
the caldera. Originally built in
1971, Lauda was the village’s first world (opposite
Chef de cuisine
I n s p i r ed b y i t s lo n g h is to r y a t O i a , and only restaurant providing a George Dospras
meeting point for the locals as well (right).
L a u d a R e s t a ur a n t is a n e l e g a n t p l a c e as the village’s only telephone. Its
loc a ted i n t h e m a i n te r r a c e o f A n d r o n is formidable history and tradition
have been kept intact – after all
B o u t i q u e H o te l . W a r m a n d un p r e te n t i o u s , this was a place where locals would
gather, break bread and celebrate -
t h is r e s t a ur a n t , l ed b y t h r e e M i c h e l i n - s t a r r ed and this amazing locale has held on
c h e f E mm a n u e l R e n a u t , o f f e r s a c u l i n a r y to that positive energy to this day.
Its uniqueness is evident from the
e x pe r i e n c e t h a t w i l l s te a l y o ur h e a r t . very start. With its minimal Aegean
style, buzzing atmosphere and
astounding views, diners are in for
a real treat. Whilst featuring highly
sophisticated culinary techniques,
Lauda’s cuisine also goes back in
time, to a time of purity and simplicity,
showcasing dishes composed of
fully organic ingredients based on
Executive Chef, the French culinary
powerhouse with three Michelin
Stars under his belt, Emmanuel
Renaut’s first experience of the island.
Mesmerised by Santorini’s beauty,
the essence of Lauda’s menus reflect
his continued enthusiasm for local
produce – be it from the bounty of
the sea or from the mountains. His
passion is also evidently embraced
by Lauda’s culinary team whose
excitement for the very best as well
as respect for nature is evident in each
and every perfectly prepared dish.
So be prepared to be dazzled,
whether you’re dining a la carte or
opting for any one of the incredible
tasting menus for dinner under a
blanket of stars or seeking a more
relaxed vibe for lunch. Perfectly
accompanied by an extensive wine
list showcasing some of the finest
wines from around the world as well
as some of Santorini’s own signature
wines, Emmanuel Renaut artfully
showcases epicurean wonders that
are – to put it simply – completely
out of this world. •
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