P. 41


                                                                            M A R I N A S AT TI

                                                                           The Greek singer, composer, music producer
                                                                           and actress from Crete and Sudan will be
                                                                           performing at the Andronis Group as a
                                                                           special guest artist alongside Thanassis
                                                                           Vassilopoulos on July 22 and August
                                                                           12th 2023. Having won a scholarship to
                                                                           the Berkeley School of Music to study
                                                                           orchestration and production in 2007,
                                                                           her music is now characterized by the
                                                                           combination of traditional sounds with
                                                                           urban elements, rhythms and studio music
                                                                           production. In 2017, her song “Madissa”,
                                                                           inspired by the roads of Epirus, went viral
                                                                           with 45 million views on YouTube.
                                                                           You’re originally from Sudan and Greece.
                                                                           You studied at the Berkeley School of
                                                                           Music, collaborate with major artists in
                                                                           Greece and overseas, you run two choirs:
                                                                           Fonés and the Chóres Women’s Choir. Do
                                                                           you feel stronger as a woman in music?
                                                                           Music was and is my greatest love - my
                                                                           hobby, and now it seems to be my “job”.
                                                                           With that being said, music isn’t a “job”. I am
                                                                           living the dream, a dream that I know won’t
                                                                           last forever. And I’m ok with that.
                                                                           What do you most want to be doing at
                                                                           this time in your life? To be traveling and
                            Hailing from both Greece and Sudan, Marina Satti’s sheer talent is   performing or be in the recording studio?
 T H AN A S S I S  VA S S I L O P OU L OS  undeniable whether she’s traveling around the world performing or   Right now I have all these wonderful people
                                 recording and producing in a sound studio closer to home.
                                                                           around me, I have my songs that people are
                                                                           listening to, I travel with my band in Greece
 Thanassis Vassilopoulos, the Greek  musical instruments while I was growing up.  and respect in each and every appearance.   S U N S E T  AT   and around the world - we hang out, we
 woodwind virtuoso (and one of the foremost  Ethnic music has the ability to make   I find that the audience also has the same   play music, we see something new every
 clarinet players in the Balkans) will be making  our minds travel to a world with its own   passion regardless of whether the event   P A C MAN   week when we’re on the road, we meet new
 an atmospheric sunset live appearance this  notes and experiences. How would you   is Montreux or simply a traditional Greek   – A T R U LY   people, learn new things.
 year at Pacman Sunset Restaurant & Bar.  describe ethnic music?   festival.  You have traveled all over the world - from
 Ahead of his appearance, we caught up with  I believe that all types of music have the   Do you follow a ritual before you start   G L O RIO U S   Greece, Sudan and the U.S. ... How have
 him recently to talk exclusively about what  ability to make your mind wander and   playing?  your travels inspired your music?
 has inspired him on his world travels.    travel, music can calm you, make you   I try to if I have the time but I don’t always   V E N U E   The music that I produce has definitely
 You have been producing music as far  dream, have fun, love! Ethnic music, for   have the “luxury” of being able to focus on   H IG H L IG H TI N G   evolved through travel. I have learned to
 back as 1987, either through composing  me, is a continuation of the traditional   what I have been called upon to do, namely,   deal with the difficulties simply as the “steps”
 songs or collaborating with both Greek  music I started playing as a child which I   make the minds of those who have come   T H E E N E R GY   that need to be taken on the journey. All I
 and international musicians. How would  now combine with contemporary, electronic   to see us travel far and away.   O F T H E S E A ,   want is to be healthy so that I can continue
 you describe your relationship with the  music.   Does your clarinet have its own story   to do what I do. I think everything else that
 clarinet? Did you grow up in a musical  Is there a difference in the way you   to tell?  T H E S U N A N D   is important will come on its own in due
 family or were you influenced by an  played, let’s say at a younger age, in front   Definitely! After all, it is over 130 years   TH E  B E A UT Y   course.
 outside source?   of an audience at a traditional Greek   old! It has given me far more than I could   Have you visited the island of Santorini
 My relationship with the clarinet started  festival with that of a concert, such as at   have ever imagined… which is why I always   O F  G R E EC E .  before? Does the particular setting of
 at the tender age of four. I was blessed to  Montreux, Switzerland, at the historic   try to remind myself how truly unique an   this island inspire you?
 be born into a musical family; as everyone  Miles Davis Hall, where you appeared   instrument it is! After everything it has   A lot. I have visited Santorini before and
 in my family was and continues to be a  as Joe Bonamassa’s guest?  given me, it will have to retire at some point,   I’m grateful every time for every moment
 musician, there was an “abundance” of  I play with the same level of love, passion   it has definitely deserved it!   that I am able to spend here … •

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