P. 37



 is in unity

 E m m a n u e l  R e nau t

 m ee t s  G eor g e
 D o s p r a s  in  t h e ir

 a ll  ti m e  c l a s s i c
 r e nd e z - v o u s  a t
 L au d a  R e s t au r a n t

 o f t h e A n d r o n is
 Bo u t i qu e  Ho t e l .

                                                                                                Inspiration is derived
                                                                                             from the natural treasures
                                                                                               and the local produce.

 Emmanuel Renaut   It Is for the fIfth consecutive year   chapter in your professional life?  the element of creation characterizes   a common ideology and a common
 and George Dospras   that Lauda Restaurant welcomes the   G.D: This chapter is a very creative   both of us, as we always want to jointly   purpose, our cooperation becomes
 are the creative
 forces behind the   gastronomical genius of Emmanuel   period as well as a period of personal   achieve the best result with more and   better and better as the years pass and
 Lauda Restaurant’s   Renaut and the talent of George Dospras   and professional development. It comes   more creative dishes.  each one of us learns from the other.
 myth of exceptional   in a summer culinary feast of supreme   as the continuation of the experience I   In what ways does the volcanic energy   The dish we would stand out as the
 tastes.  had gained from my previous years in   of the island inspire you?  restaurant’s most characteristic is……
 They said about you that you create your   various kitchens.    G.D: A volcano indicates the destruction   Fava from Yannis:
 own brand of cuisine: generous, lively,   Behind a successful restaurant, you   of the place it runs through, but then life   Greek mushrooms, Smoked Egg Yolk
 colourful, appealing and modern. How   can detect creative minds and talents.   is born again. This thought gives us the   Underneath Zephyr of Fava from Yannis
 are these elements incorporated into   What does it take to perfectly execute   strength and energy to continue inspired   Nomikos Estate
 Lauda Restaurant?  this business recipe for 5 years?  by the realization that every end becomes   A piece of Santorini that we would take
 E.R: Initially taking the product in   E.R: It is important that there is respect   a new beginning.  with us is ……. the memories that we have
 its purest form, then transforming it   and appreciation between two partners.   During these years, have you ever sensed   created all these years in the island.
 in a manner that reveals its very best   These characteristics are present on both   the need to change an “ingredient”   Culinary creativity means……. use of
 qualities. This is my watchword for the   sides throughout all these years of our   in order to refresh the co-operation   quality raw materials, combination of
 creative menu of Lauda Restaurant.  cooperation and are elements that bind   between the two of you?  cooking techniques and marriage of
 How would you describe the “Andronis”   the relationship between us. In addition,   E.R & G.D: As we move forward with   materials that result in pure flavors. •

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