Page 158 - ANDRONIS magazine 19/20
P. 158


                                                                                  MEdiCAL dOCTOR
                                                                                   Dr Zulia

                                                                                 frost MD,


                                                                                   A therapist with
                                                                               a passion for innovation
                                                                                   and technology.

                                                                          —Tell us about your innovative therapeutic
                                                                          I approach wellness holistically by assessing
                                                                          and treating health from many angles, us-
                                                                          ing the latest innovative technologies. With
                                                                          bio-resonance hair testing, I can evaluate the
                                                                          nutritional deficit and the impact of envi-
                                                                          ronmental stress. If someone is in pain, I use
                                                                          interactive neuro-stimulation technology,
                                                                          which is phenomenally effective yet pleas-
                                                                          ant, free from side effects and completely              Discover the Essence of a Greek Meal at Metaxi Mas
                                                                          safe. I also use cold lasers and modern LED
                                                                          technology to boost circulation. These mo-                                           The heart of Santorini on a plate.
                                                                          dalities are superb for maintaining good
                                                                          energy flow and improving blood flow – im-                  This delicious eatery might be at the end of a road less travelled, but it wears its heart on its sleeve.
                                                                          mensely beneficial for chronic health issues                Embodying the quintessential experience of dining in authentic Greek style, Metaxi Mas embraces slow
                                                                          or poor circulation.                                        food taverna-style. On the bright white tablecloths, fresh local ingredients come together in flavourful
                                                                          —What exactly can you do for the Andronis                   combinations with a focus on simplicity, excellent Santorini wine and good company.
                                                                          Exclusive guests?                                           Popular yet authentic, the Exo Gonia restaurant is vibrant, colourful and inviting. Eating al fresco under
                                                                          If you give your body the right energy, it will             the blue Aegean sky on a flower-filled veranda feels like a happy family gathering right out of an old-
                                                                          be able to heal itself. I welcome anyone who                timey Greek film. Discover how stand-out ingredients such as Santorini tomatoes, white aubergine,
                                                                          has long term chronic ongoing conditions.                   capers and fresh thyme awaken the senses, and take the opportunity to sample wines made on the
                                                                          I can work with any type of pain, like neck                 island from ancient grape varieties. Drink slowly, close your eyes, and dream. Don’t forget to raise a
                                                                          or back pain, stiffness or poor joints, sports              glass to Santorini! We’ll see you there.
                                                                          injuries, migraines, painful irritable bowel
                                                                          syndrome, non-healing tendon injuries... I                           Metaxi Mas, Exo Gonia, Santorini, 84 700, tel: (+30) 22860 31323, email:
                                                                          can also help people struggling with fatigue
                                                                          and disturbed sleep, and those who simply
                                                                          want to improve their energy levels.
                                                                          —What do you think about Santorini and
                                                                          Andronis Concept?
                                                                          Working in such a blissful setting helps me
                                                                          relax… I am in love with Santorini. It has a
                                                                          special energy and tranquillity. The setting
                                                                          hugely complements rehabilitation from
                                                                          many ailments. It is the best place to recu-
                                                                          perate and recharge. I think the Andronis
                                                                          Concept has incredible views and is se-
                                                                          cluded enough to give that unique sense of
                           “I am in love with Santorini. The bird’s eye view
                                 this island offers is magical!”          connection with nature and inner peace. •

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