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 WhEthEr you’rE sEEking to spend a few hours   receive a comprehensive wellness profile which is
 there or the entire day, Kallos Spa’s therapeutic   then used as the basis of their personalised well-
 relaxation programmes,  two pools and the   being programme along with precise and exact
 hammam area, deliver the ultimate relaxation   lifestyle and nutritional tips based on their stress
 experience. Having curated a selection of the most   levels and individual needs (available at the Evexia
 advanced beauty, grooming and health-enhancing   and Kallos  Spas) for after they leave.
 treatments, performed in overwhelmingly beautiful   One such treatment which is wonderfully soothing,
 surroundings, all of the available treatments are   cleansing and invigorating, is our signature Deep
 uniquely tailored to guests’ needs. Dedicated   Potali massage. Ideal for helping to alleviate pain,
 to achieving harmony in mind, body and spirit,   cramps, old injuries and stress-related tension,
 happiness and mental wellness are promoted   this beautifully reviving body treatment draws on
 through indulgent,  reviving treatments,  yoga   Ayurvedic healing traditions where heated herbal
 sessions as well as delicious detoxifying meals   pouches - known as potli – are used to rejuvenate and
 specially prepared in our restaurant.   nourish tired, stiff bodies. Filled with therapeutic,
 To kick things off, try the unique ‘Hair Profiling’   medicinal herbs which are warmed in exquisite
 Test, a unique screening programme supervised by   essential oils such as pine, amber, and frankincense,
 Dr. Zulia Frost which provides a full wellness profile    the potli are gently pressed in a rhythmic, fluid
 following a non-invasive bio-energy approach. With   pattern over the whole body, resulting in an uplifted
 only one piece of hair and within 20 minutes, guests   mood and balancing of the hormones.  •

 Carefully selected treatments and traditional massage techniques, luxurious products and
 soothing rituals with long lasting benefits are performed in an organic, natural healing space tailored
 to restoring your vitality, reducing stress levels and increasing overall positive energy.  K A L L O S S P A - # 1 O F T H E I N T E R N AT I O N A L T O P 5
                                  Destination Spa

                       Vo t e d a s t he B e st D e st in a t i o n S p a ac c o r d ing
                             t o Tr a v e l & L e i s u r e 2 0 19,  K a llo s  S p a

                         a st o n i s he s a n d soo t he s in e q u a l m e a s u r e .

                          EvEry yEar as part of its World’s Best Awards survey, Travel and Leisure asks its
                        readers to weigh in on travel experiences around the globe across a variety of categories.
                        In the top international destination spas category, readers rated properties on their
                        accommodations, facilities, treatments, service, food and overall value. Scoring 98.18
                        overall, Andronis Concept Wellness Resort gained 1st place in the category in 2019,
                        with voters citing the intimate property’s holistic focus on wellness, healthy meals
                        with the perfect degree of indulgence, as well as its range of invigorating activities as
                        outstanding. Naturally, Kallos Spa was the star of the show; voters enthused about its
                        combination of modern techniques and ancient traditions aimed at inducing deeper
                        levels of emotional, mental and physical balance, citing rejuvenating therapies such as
                        kundalini massages and rose and aloe body wraps as deeply relaxing.  •

                                                 Drawing on age old techniques and the superior ingredients
                                                 in the products accompanying all the therapies and
                                                 treatments, revel in complete and utter bliss relaxation.

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