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Wellness                    S P E C I A L P R O D U C T S & T R E AT M E N T S



                        M o r e t h a n j u st a n o r g a n i c s kin b r a n d I l a ’ s
                   in no v a t i v e a n d g r o u n d b r e a king t r e a t m e n t s a n d
                        p r o d u c t s ’ a im i s s im p l e b u t r e v o l u t i o n a r y .

                   RefeRRing to the ancient Sanskrit word for   within, it is a feeling where a focus is placed on your
                 Mother Earth, Ila’s products and treatments are   energy levels and body too.
                 designed to promote palpable biological and   The attention given to sourcing the very best
                 emotional changes in those that experience them   ingredients is an exacting one: in search of the right
                 – both through touch and smell. Based on the fact   type of rose, it took two years to find the perfect rose
                 75% of our emotions are generated by what we   type in India which grows wild and is harvested at
                 smell, Ila follows the philosophy that what we put   dawn by artisan producers with the petals from
                 on our skin directly nourishes and calms our heart   38 flowers needed to produce just one drop of oil.
                 which is the center of emotional wellbeing, energy   Suffice it to say that such incredible ingredients
                 and vitality.                              sustainably sourced from a variety of tribal
                   With a vision to create a range of far-reaching   communities, villagers and farmers all over the
                 results driven products, founder Denise Leicester’s   world, are handled with great care in a mindful,
                 aim was simple: to source the purest and most   meditative environment in the Cotswolds.
                 naturally grown natural plants, flowers and herbs   Used extensively across all of our Spas, Ila’s
                 while practicing the highest standards of natural   focused results-driven therapies and products
                 and ethical integrity. Objectively redefining beauty   truly reflect our holistic wellness philosophy which
                 as a concept, Ila prides itself on sensitively proving   goes beyond nurturing the skin to further focus on
                 that beauty is more than just skin deep, it is a quality   balancing the body, soul and mind. •

                                                                        What makes the organic Ila range so very different to
                                                                         other beauty brands is that each and every carefully
                                                                       produced product and potent Spa treatment reflects the
                                                                       company’s intention to go way beyond caring for the skin.

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