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                     A d o p t y o u r o w n w i n e

                           D is c o v e r a n d a c t i v e l y be c o m e i n v ol v ed i n

                     S a n to r i n i ’ s un i q u e w i n e i n d u s t r y a n d v e r y s pe c i a l
                              te r r o i r w i t h o ur A d o p t a V i n e s c h e m e .

 C oo king  c l a s s

 Learn more about
 Greece and traditional
 W h e t h e r  y o u ’ r e  a  n o v i c e  o r   Greek cuisine, using
 the finest locally
 sourced produce,
 e x pe r i e n c ed h o m e c oo k , be i n s p i r ed   in private step-by-
 step taught cooking
 a n d i m p r o v e y o ur k n o w l ed g e o f G r e e k   classes guided by the
 Executive Chef of the
 c u is i n e a n d c u l i n a r y e x pe r t is e .     Andronis Concept
 Wellness Resort.
 If you’ve ever wanted to immerse yourself further into
 local culture and its cuisine whilst on vacation all under the
 watchful guiding eye of an experienced chef, our cooking   SantorInI IS haIled as Europe’s oldest vineyard, a blessed rock where grapes   Santorini is said by
 classes offer the perfect opportunity for just that. Held in a   are grown with traditional methods producing extraordinary and very unique wines.   aficionados to be the
                                                                                                  oldest vineyard in
 specific and exclusively designed area within the Andronis   Our Adopt a Vine scheme is the perfect experience for anyone who loves wine. When   Europe. Adopt a Wine,
 Concept Wellness Resort, discover the secrets of Greek   you adopt a vine you really get to feel the romance of the vines, and understand a   and become a part of
 cuisine and prepare a unique meal along with your loved   year in the life of a vine, the smell of the earth and the warmth of the sun. Boasting a   the living legacy of the
                                                                                                 island’s wine making
 ones under the guidance of our executive chef. Learn the   history that spreads over three millennia, wine is not just a buzzword on Santorini.   industry which continues
 secrets of cooking a series of traditional Greek dishes, as   Wandering around rocky Santorini with its cliff-edges, black soil and red beaches,   to follow painstaking
                                                                                                traditions of manually
 you take notes of the step-by-step recipes while also being   visitors are often stunned by the sight of countless fields of vines planted in a circle   ploughing the land, hand
 involved with the preparation, learning as you go. Private,   close to the ground. Known locally as “kouloures”, this plantation method allows the   pruning the wines and
 authentic and fun, connect with the culture and culinary   grapes to grow on this seemingly unfertile land which boasts a high acidity and low   hand-picking the grapes
 traditions as you learn how to prepare delicious dishes and   pH which instils such a unique flavour into the grapes. Adopting a vine ultimately   to produce wines of
                                                                                                 exceptional quality.
 hone essential culinary techniques from our passionate   gives wine aficionados the opportunity to be a part of the wine cultivation process
 Executive Chef whose unrivalled expertise and culinary   that has taken centuries to develop, become familiar with the island’s ancient grape
 know how is sure to inspire you.  •  varieties, and of course its distinctly unique terroir. •

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