Page 135 - ANDRONIS_2021
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Experience  E x c l u si v e F a m i l y                                                     life-affirming day onboard

                                                                                                Enjoy an unforgettable,

                                                                                                  a sleek yacht, as you
                                                                                               sunbathe and take in the
 E x p er i en c e s                                                                            beauty of Santorini and
                                                                                                    the Aegean Sea.

  E n j o y t h e be s t f a m i l y v a c a t i o n po s s ib l e

 w i t h f un f u e l l ed e x pe r i e n c e s a n d a c t i v i t i e s t h a t
 o ur y o un g e r g u e s t s a r e s ur e to e n j o y .

 Curated by our expert team and providing an   to its participants the history of the local dishes and
 authentic taste of everything that this unique island   the grandma’s recipes as well as sharing the joy in
 has to offer, these exciting activities bring together   eating all together.A warm, hospitable experience
 young guests, with opportunities for adventure to   for the entire family to savor and an introduction
 boot. Andronis Concept is an ideal destination for   to the greek way of life.
 families with kids, and it has been created not just to
 welcome couples but to fully cater to family needs.   Tennis
 Delivering fun in the sun, the resort embraces guests   If the ideal holiday for you means to enjoy tennis
 like family. From luxurious moments of pampering   in all its glory, here you will find your own personal
 and relaxation to family cooking lessons, tennis and   tennis paradise. Our new outdoor tennis court
 kids amenities, these experiences seek to make   promises...Game, Set, Match and a lot of fun for all.
 every guest feel like royalty.
 Kids spa  Kids ameniTies
 Why shouldn’t younger guests also get to enjoy   Children of all ages are welcome at Andronis
 beauty and wellness treatments? Imagine a spa   Concept, the best family resort in Imerovigli. Here,
 holiday with children that will surely become a   we also offer the following kid’s amenities:
 unique experience!  ·Shampoos – Shower gel – Body lotion for babies
 Yoga for Young  ·Baby care products
 Introducing children to yoga at an early age can   ·Bathrobes for children  T he  Yac h t ing  L i f e
 help them learn healthy lifestyle habits and set the   ·Arm floats, goggles
 foundation for a fit future. Get your family practice   ·Coloured pencils – sketch block
 started in Andronis Concept and your little ones   ·Baby cot  Ta k i n g y o ur S a n to r i n i l u x ur y h o s p i t a l i t y e x pe r i e n c e
 will have the time of their lives letting loose in a   ·Board games
 safe setting.   ·Bed’s night guard  a bo v e a n d be y o n d is a y a c h t e x c l u s i v e to A n d r o n is
                                    g u e s t s . L e t u s w h is k y o u a w a y !
 familY CooKing lesson  Everyone from babies all the way to parents are
 Purpose of the family cooking lesson is to deliver   catered for.  •
                      Soak up the sunshine on the decks, dive   swimming, diving and sunbathing to intimate
                    into the immaculate waters of the Aegean and   romantic dinners and more.
                    discover secret nooks and crannies on Santorini’s   For your convenience, we have already
                    coastline on board the Andronis Ferretti.   curated the full Andronis Ferretti Experience
                    Chartering this sleek, ultra-comfortable yacht   we recommend: This a four-hour Santorini cruise
                    will be the highlight of your summer, as parties   touring the Caldera cliffs, as well as Imerovigli,
                    of up to four can luxuriate for half days or longer,   Skaros, Fira, Akrotiri and the Indian Rock, with
                    enjoying amazing food and drink while taking   stops both at White Beach and the iconic Red
                    in the landscape, or even the celebrated Greek   Beach, where you can enjoy swimming and
                    sunset.                                  snorkeling. From there, we can continue on to
                      This vessel is contemporary and high-tech,   the uninhabited Thirasia island, once part of
                    designed to offer the utmost in comfort and safety   Santorini and completely pristine. All the while,
                    on board and featuring three roomy cabins in   you will have at your disposal drinks, fresh fruit,
                    addition to shared spaces. With a captain and a   snacks and even a bottle of Andronis wine – from
 Relax, rejuvenate and recharge with your little ones.   crew member at your disposal, you will be able to   our very own vineyards.
 Letting the energy of a magical place such as Santorini   choose your journey and how you spend it – from   Let’s set sail on the Andronis Ferretti!
 course through their bodies, young guests can let go
 of stress and the winter tensions.
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