Page 139 - ATHENS RIVIERA 2024
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 architecture special feature

 homes with unrivalled proximity to the sea, panoramic views that leave them      landscapes, and forward-thinking projects make it a magnet for those seeking not
 breathless, and access to a way of life augmented by upscale amenities. At MdeP,   just a property but a piece of paradise imbued with endless possibilities.
 we understand these aspirations intimately. We blend them into the fabric of our   At MdeP, we’re not just in the business of real estate; we’re in the business of
 service and deliver an experience as perfect as the Riviera breeze.              dreams. And in Greece, where the past meets the future, where every sunset paints
 Our discerning eye and extensive network allow us to handpick properties that    a new story, we’re here to help you find your perfect slice of heaven.
 embody the essence of Riviera living. From exclusive off-market villas in seclud-  And finally what aspects of Greece’s lifestyle or environment do you find
 ed enclaves to lavish penthouses boasting sweeping views of the azure waters, we   most attractive if you were to relocate to or invest in the region?
 offer a portfolio that caters to the most particular tastes.                     For us, the mystique of Greece lies in its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and
 Furthermore, we take great pride in ensuring our properties are graced with ex-  unique lifestyle. The relaxed pace, warm hospitality, and connection to nature
 quisite details, exceeding the expectations of our esteemed clientele. From ele-  are key too – all coming together to create an extraordinary existence. Whether
 gant marble countertops to custom cabinetry and cutting-edge appliances, each    it’s enjoying a leisurely meal by the sea, exploring ancient ruins, or simply basking
 element is meticulously selected to elevate the living experience to unparalleled   in the Mediterranean sun, Greece offers a quality of life that is second to none all
 heights of sophistication and luxury.                                            year round. In terms of relocating or investing in the region, it’s these aspects of
 At MdeP, we don’t just sell properties; we curate lifestyles. With a keen understand-  Greece that resonate with us the most, drawing us ever closer to this charming land.
 ing of our clients’ desires and a commitment to excellence, we ensure that every   LUXURY AND TRANQUILITY   In conclusion, MdeP International Realty is the epitome of luxury and sophistica-
 aspect of their journey along Athens Riviera is nothing short of extraordinary.  Nestled in a stunning landscape, this property in Mani,   tion in the world of real estate. With renowned expertise, a steadfast commitment
 In what ways does MdeP leverage its expertise and extensive network to   Peloponnese (top) offers breathtaking views. Ideal for a serene getaway,   to personalised service, and a deep passion for Greece, they continue to redefine the
 assist clients in finding the perfect estate in Greece, particularly in the   a brand new hill side villa with seaview in Paros (bottom).  art of luxury living, one dream property at a time. 
 context of properties located in sought-after locations like the Athens
 Like a curator choosing pieces for an art gallery, MdeP employs its expertise and
 extensive network to carefully select properties in Greece – akin to masterpieces
 awaiting discovery. Drawing upon years of experience and intimate knowledge of
 the local real estate landscape, we guide our clients through the complex journey
 of selecting properties that resonate with them.
 Our unrivalled network grants us access to hidden gems and exclusive listings.
 Whether it’s a serene villa overlooking the azure waters of the Athens Riviera or
 an elegant penthouse nestled in the cultural heart of Athens, each property is
 handpicked with precision and passion, creating a collection of homes that epit-
 omise luxury and sophistication.
 What are your favourite destinations in Greece for real estate investment
 or acquisition, and what unique qualities or attractions do these locations
 possess that make them particularly appealing to you and your clients?
 Greece is a treasure trove of real estate opportunities, with each destination of-
 fering its own unique allure. While the Athens Riviera holds a special place in
 our hearts for its unparalleled beauty and cosmopolitan charm, we also hold a
 deep appreciation for the enchanting islands of Mykonos, Kea, Paros, and Crete,
 among others. These islands are renowned for their breathtaking landscapes,   HARNESSING EXPERTISE
 rich cultural heritage, and exclusive lifestyle offerings. Whether it’s the vibrant
 nightlife of Mykonos, the natural beauty of Kea, the elegant shops of Paros, or  AND AN EXCLUSIVE NETWORK,
 the diverse scenery of Crete, each destination exudes a distinct charm, attracting
 us and our clients alike.  MDEP CURATES THE FINEST
 Moreover, we cannot overlook the allure of the Peloponnese region, particu-
 larly its captivating beauty and diverse attractions. The Peloponnese is a haven   PROPERTIES IN GREECE AND
 for those seeking privacy and tranquillity, with pristine beaches, and exquisite
 landscape. The region epitomizes the essence of Greek living, making it highly   BEYOND.
 appealing for both investment and acquisition.
 How have you witnessed Greece’s evolution over the years, particularly in
 terms of its cultural richness, societal changes, and economic development,   strokes of innovation and ambition. With each endeavour, Greece embraces the
 and how do you see these factors contributing to the country’s appeal,   future while honouring its rich heritage and offering a blend of old-world charm
 considering its climate and natural beauty?  and contemporary allure.
 Greece’s journey through time is nothing short of awe-inspiring. From its an-  Besides its history and architecture, Greece seduces with its natural wonders –
 cient roots as the cradle of civilisation to its vibrant present as a thriving Euro-  pristine beaches, rugged mountains, and a climate that whispers promises of
 pean gem, Greece has weathered storms and triumphed, emerging stronger and   eternal summer. It’s a playground for the soul, where every corner is a new ad-
 more enchanting than ever. Its evolution is a testament to resilience, a story of   venture waiting to be discovered.
 overcoming challenges with unwavering spirit and grace.  As Greece continues to evolve, its appeal as a premier destination for real estate
 But Greece isn’t just a tale of the past; it’s a canvas constantly painted with new   investment and acquisition only intensifies. Its cultural richness, breathtaking

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